Thoughts on this video and real world distance


Jan 25, 2022


I found this fascinating. In medicine we do a lot of simulation to try and mimic real world conditions; however, no sim is perfect. I can find plenty to critique about this video, but my takeaway is many of us, certainly myself included, ought to really rethink shooting past say 400 in good conditions (great rest front and rear, lots of time and no wind) and really not shoot far in poor conditions like a rushed shot or less than ideal set up.

We’ve all said this before to some extent but MAN this video did a great job of showing it!!

Also I spend way too much time perseverating over cartridge and caliber.

Good video. Field conditions vs a nice shooting mat, time and all the technology. I think it was very easy on the shooters compared to real world spot and stalk conditions, not taking about stands with beer fridges over bait.

I remember one elk shot I made and felt lucky to have her go DRT was in Montana, last day. Hadn’t seen an elk. Had a small group moving through pines on opposite hill. There was one about 10 foot opening I could shoot into. I had about 1 minute before they were at the opening to sit, sage brush all over no way to go prone, use my range finder, and sling in.

278 yards with Kimber Montana 308 with 2-7 duplex. I shot it out to the 300 all the time on the range with great groups. But this was fast and no room for error or a second shot.

Not my longest field shot ever for sure, but with those conditions and time, it was and still is my best.