Thoughts on the NRA


Aug 8, 2014
Pretty simple to me, if an organization is bankrolling politicians who are openly hostile to public lands and working to sell them don't get my money. We have a constitutional right to own firearms with solid case law...we have no such protections guaranteeing access or even to the continued existence of public lands. NRA can get bent.

Yeah and there are no unconstitutional gun laws anywhere right now, no worries there.

NRA sucks, not a member

2A>Public lands

But public lands are really important too

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Feb 25, 2012
I believe there is some corruption in the NRA and I also believe without the NRA half the country would be as bad or worse than California.
I also believe the liberals are trying to divide and conquer and from reading this thread, they are winning.


Mar 16, 2016
League City, TX
The fact that article was dredged up and posted today, the same day the Soros funded NY AG announces she is going to destroy the NRA?
Yeah, timing...

Anti-hunting and anti-gun groups do use these forums. They try to “divide and conquer”. I’m not saying the OP is a troll, but it does seem like an incredible coincidence that a 2018 article is dredged up and posted by a Rokslide member of less than a year.

The NY AG has been investigating the NRA for over a year and a half, sound familiar?

Soros is anti-gun as it comes and he has been funding DAs for a while know. The NY AG received almost a million dollars in direct and indirect campaign contributions from Soros and other left wing anti-gun organizations.

It makes perfect sense that an article related to the NRA and hunting would be posted on a hunting forum after the NY AG decides to go after.

You can look at the OPs other posts and if he is a troll then he has been biding his time making it seem like he's a hunter on here just waiting for his moment to strike.

Not cool to impugn another member's credibility like that man. It would be completely different if that were his first post or every other post he made was trolling.
May 24, 2016
Southern CO
Tell me more about this KinderGuardians program.

My 5 y/o is gearing up for kindergarten in a week and I'm curious...


Jan 1, 2015

Guys and gals. This is what we are up against. Registration, broad gun bans, mandatory buy backs, putting gun manufacturers out of business. Pretty clear. Straight from the horses mouth. Almost none of it has anything to do with "gun safety". Notice the specific gun organization targeted. The NRA. There is a reason for that. The NRA and its members are really the primary game in town. For those that don't think the NRA protects your gun rights, Democrats disagree.
It's pretty obvious.

I would like to keep hunting with my semi-auto's. I have never considered them "assault weapons".Neither do the pheasants. I would like to leave them to my son.That won't be an option, if some have their way.

As an aside, Republicans and the NRA aren't introducing legislation banning hunting, eliminating seasons or trying to limit what I can legally hunt with.

It really is a simple choice if you want the ability buy, sell or keep your guns. It might be the lesser of two evils for some but there isn't a third option. This is just where they are starting. It isn't the end. Australia is what the end looks like. For some, that is a good thing. Not for me or mine.
Sep 7, 2018
Republicans and the NRA aren't introducing legislation banning hunting, eliminating seasons or trying to limit what I can legally hunt with.

It really is a simple choice if you want the ability buy, sell or keep your guns. It might be the lesser of two evils for some but there isn't a third option. This is just where they are starting. It isn't the end. Australia is what the end looks like. For some, that is a good thing. Not for me or mine.
But Republicans stood behind trump when he used an executive order to ban bump stocks, now the ATF is looking at doing the same thing with pistol braces. All gun laws are unconstitutional, end of story. What did the NRA to do when it was "their" candidate to pass gun laws.
There's no end to it, Australia isn't what the end looks like, it's the next step. Do you think that if leftists get assault weapons they will be satisfied? Obviously not according to the article you posted.
So what are we left with? The lesser of two evils. One is a slow death, the other is quick. We haven't won since the 1934 NFA was passed, we have only slowed things down.
Sep 7, 2018
IMO - we would not have gun rights without the NRA. There is no other option. Why do you think the media has been targeting them for so long... (I never heard of GOA until a post on another forum yesterday.)

Anyway - anyone who votes against the NRA votes against gun rights. IMO, it really is as simple as that.
There were a number of gun control (bans) and gun registration bills that didn't get passed because of the NRA.
Like I said, they act like heroes until it's their candidate in office. You may not care about a silly bump stock ban, but it's a precedent and another step. What's next? Pistol braces, suppressors, high capacity magazines, semi autos, who knows?


Jan 1, 2015
Like I said, they act like heroes until it's their candidate in office. You may not care about a silly bump stock ban, but it's a precedent and another step. What's next? Pistol braces, suppressors, high capacity magazines, semi autos, who knows?

The only reason you can buy suppressors, high capacity magazines and semi auto's right now is because of the NRA and Republicans. They were all banned when Clinton was in office.


Aug 13, 2018
Omaha, Nebraska
I didn't join the NRA for the longest time. But in time, it seemed to me to be the only thing standing between ownership and loss of that right. Most countries that i know of, i'm not saying i know all the history, but places where gun ownership has been taken away are now servants to their respective governments. Usually those places are not where you want to live. Sometimes I liken the NRA to Trump. I may not like Trump as a person, but i really like him as my president. I cant agree with 100% of his way of doing things, but he gets results. As it has been said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. It is sad when you have to have these discussions, but we should try. I believe we need to stick together as best we can, cuz brother, its out there and its coming. Stay safe and have a great weekend.


Jan 1, 2015
But Republicans stood behind trump when he used an executive order to ban bump stocks, now the ATF is looking at doing the same thing with pistol braces. All gun laws are unconstitutional, end of story. What did the NRA to do when it was "their" candidate to pass gun laws.
There's no end to it, Australia isn't what the end looks like, it's the next step. Do you think that if leftists get assault weapons they will be satisfied? Obviously not according to the article you posted.
So what are we left with? The lesser of two evils. One is a slow death, the other is quick. We haven't won since the 1934 NFA was passed, we have only slowed things down.

Few things in life are perfect. Republicans support the NRA. The NRA supports my ability to own guns, as imperfect as they are. Democrats now support Antifa. I am not an Antifa kind of guy. People are more powerful as a voting group or block with a political lobby group than as individuals.

I would rather try to improve the NRA as a member than complain to politicians as a citizen. It is more effective. Money talks and I would like to delay my death, ability to hunt and retain my gun ownership as long as possible.

It costs less than a tank of gas to be an annual member of the NRA. I think your gun rights are worth that much.


May 29, 2019
Where would our rights as gun owners be today if it weren't for the NRA?

They have been the only voice in my lifetime that has been constant with fighting the left's attempt to limit and remove our right garrunteed in the 2nd amendment.

The article was full of conjecture and allegations that were partially fact and a lot of opinion.

Its hard to beleive anything read on line these days....
Nov 7, 2012
Where would our rights as gun owners be today if it weren't for the NRA?

Hard to say. Its foolish to think that in the absence of the NRA that another organization would not have grown to do the same thing, maybe even better. The NRA has done great things, in the past. That is not a logical reason to keep supporting them in the same way today. If the NRA goes away another organization will have a great opportunity to take their place and hopefully do better. Just like if one business goes under, another rises up to take its place.


Sep 29, 2012
Ask yourself this: do you believe we the status of our 2A rights will be better off or worse off in 5 years without the NRA? Until I can convince myself we would be better off without them, I will (begrudgingly) give them my support.


Jan 1, 2015
Hard to say. Its foolish to think that in the absence of the NRA that another organization would not have grown to do the same thing, maybe even better. The NRA has done great things, in the past. That is not a logical reason to keep supporting them in the same way today. If the NRA goes away another organization will have a great opportunity to take their place and hopefully do better. Just like if one business goes under, another rises up to take its place.
Democrats are pretty certain that isn't the case. I don't believe it either and I am not willing to play Russian roulette with my rights. YMMV.


Jan 17, 2019
If you want change, you are the only person that can bring it about.
Get involved and your voice has a chance of being heard.
We are living in a world full of people that disagree via keyboard, but those same people don’t show up at meetings. If you want action, it will take more than an FB comment or tweet. If you’re too busy to do more, you simply don’t care enough and should be silent.
Change comes with action. Action is not typing on social media.
Jan 14, 2020
The fact that article was dredged up and posted today, the same day the Soros funded NY AG announces she is going to destroy the NRA?
Yeah, timing...

Anti-hunting and anti-gun groups do use these forums. They try to “divide and conquer”. I’m not saying the OP is a troll, but it does seem like an incredible coincidence that a 2018 article is dredged up and posted by a Rokslide member of less than a year.

The NY AG has been investigating the NRA for over a year and a half, sound familiar?

Soros is anti-gun as it comes and he has been funding DAs for a while know. The NY AG received almost a million dollars in direct and indirect campaign contributions from Soros and other left wing anti-gun organizations.

no troll here , look at all my other posts. Honestly a family member posted the article on Facebook and it caught my eye.
Jan 16, 2018
While I agree the NRA has done great things, they have also capitulated to Wayne. They have WASTED huge amounts of money that could have gone to support the 2A cause, or to help fund shooting sports. Instead they have blown huge amounts of money (while constantly calling for more) and allowed large missteps.

RMEF might be the best game In town for preserving elk habitat and elk numbers, but if there was corruption on this scale I'm guessing most would write them off or demand firings! I'm not saying you should quit funding the NRA forever, but you should all send strongly worded messages, followed up with actions, demanding change. Without that change the NRA may go under, or worse yet continue wasting your money, leaving your rights unprotected.

I do believe that if the NRA was put out of business tomorrow, one of the other organizations would fill the gap (or several together) but it would take time. But you better believe if this shit show continues they will drive away more and more donors until they don't have enough funds to waste any.


Sep 18, 2017
I support them for decisions like Heller, McDonald and Aguilar. Those did not happen without a lot of financial backing.

There is work to be done within the organization, and I believe it will be done. Wayne won't be there forever. Change will come. Will it be better for it is anybody's guess. I doubt the NY law suit will amount to much more than an audit of the financial records and some lawyers getting fat paychecks for 3-5 years.

The tough thing is to let the change happen, and stay supportive of the organization for the things you do like. Education, lobbying, and litigation are my important topics.
