Thoughts on the NRA


Jun 12, 2020
I've watched it 1 time. In the theaters, back when it came out. I enjoyed it, and that was that.

This has nothing to do with that and everything to do with having a job based on problem-solving, and a fundamental belief that with persistence and dogged relentlessness, anything is possible. The key is looking at the big picture and breaking it down into all of its individual little piece-part problems, then solving them one by one. You'd be surprised what you can do.


Apr 8, 2020
Would our rifles stand up to a fight against the government's fleet?

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Not to go completely tinfoil, I like our odds better than most. North Vietnamese did pretty well, as well as the Afghan‘s who still wipe their ass with their hand. And have to take an account the rules of engagement would be an absolute cluster for the federal side.


Apr 8, 2020
Back on track. It’s unfortunate the NRA managed to clusterF themselves into this situation. They really have no one to blame but themselves. They probably have time to still save some face if they were just totally clean house and kick Wayne Lapierre out of the door or I’d except chuck him out of the window. The current board needs to be either removed from office for their knowledge of the corrupt behavior or removed from office because they’re totally incompetent, either way that would be a good start.


Jun 12, 2020
The problem I see with the NRA is that other outside entities have now already managed to equate them or draw a connection from them to baby-killers in the minds of the dumb masses who irrationally hate guns to begin with. They are traditionally perceived as this bunch of grumpy old white men. And the left has, fairly successfully, demonized their image and made them out to be the ones which block the kind of stupid change they want to enact, which we all know would be ineffectual, but logic never mattered to them anyway.

To their credit they jumped on that quick in terms image repair by making use of Dana Loesch and for a while there Colion Noir. And I gotta give them big props for making use on that empassioned speech given by that one black gentleman whose name escapes me at the moment.

All I know is that I sincerely hope that all the rest of you states are paying close attention to the BS which happens in CA, NY, MA, and IL. Historically they push their BS into these population centers first... then.. they slowly roll it out into all the other places, or make a federal change... over time.

Long story shorter? If a measure takes a firm enough root here and in NY? And is allowed to stay without expensive enough challenge to it? It ALWAYS then begins to spread out across the land.

It's like Whack-A-Mole... they need to make a serious effort to bring out that mallet to bop down all the dummy elitist blue anti-gun haters in this damn state. Their actions are far more reaching than just the borders of this state, unfortunately.


Oct 28, 2014
The problem I see with the NRA is that other outside entities have now already managed to equate them or draw a connection from them to baby-killers in the minds of the dumb masses who irrationally hate guns to begin with. They are traditionally perceived as this bunch of grumpy old white men. And the left has, fairly successfully, demonized their image and made them out to be the ones which block the kind of stupid change they want to enact, which we all know would be ineffectual, but logic never mattered to them anyway.

To their credit they jumped on that quick in terms image repair by making use of Dana Loesch and for a while there Colion Noir. And I gotta give them big props for making use on that empassioned speech given by that one black gentleman whose name escapes me at the moment.

All I know is that I sincerely hope that all the rest of you states are paying close attention to the BS which happens in CA, NY, MA, and IL. Historically they push their BS into these population centers first... then.. they slowly roll it out into all the other places, or make a federal change... over time.

Long story shorter? If a measure takes a firm enough root here and in NY? And is allowed to stay without expensive enough challenge to it? It ALWAYS then begins to spread out across the land.

It's like Whack-A-Mole... they need to make a serious effort to bring out that mallet to bop down all the dummy elitist blue anti-gun haters in this damn state. Their actions are far more reaching than just the borders of this state, unfortunately.
If the only problems you see with the NRA is everyone but the NRA, then maybe a little self introspection is order.


Jan 1, 2015
Like you, the NRA had no background on the situation or the local conditions. Instead of educating themselves they went after a mayor and council who probably own more guns per capita than most other folks in the lesser 48

Feel free to provide specifics. My point was that there was already a federal law in place making the discharge of a firearm near a school illegal and making the stated purpose of the additional legislation mute. What background information am I missing that would change that?

Regardless, local regs are challenged because they are either poorly written or intentionally vague and go beyond the stated scope, like interfering with the ability to defend your home if the home is within 100 yds of a road or interfere with your right to carry while driving through a school zone. Without additional information, it is impossible to say but I am thankful that the NRA is willing to do so when they feel necessary, to preserve our rights.

When I see the decisions that the Mayors and City Council of Portland, Seattle, Chicago and other places are making, I'll take my chance with the NRA.


Sep 29, 2012
The United States Congress enacted the Gun-Free School Zone Act (GFSZA) in 1990. You can't discharge a firearm in a "school zone". Federal law defines a “school zone” as on the grounds of or within 1,000 feet of a public, parochial or private school and includes public roads.

Those "yahoos" were already in violation of Federal law. Didn't stop them. Much like many of the "common sense" gun control measures that do almost nothing to reduce violence, crime, murder or shootings. What they do well is reduce the Constitutional Rights of people who actually have enough common sense not to commit crimes and follow the laws as written.

I too shudder when I read the phrase "common sense" because it is usually used to confuse the issue around a law that is anything but.


Sep 29, 2012
Like you, the NRA had no background on the situation or the local conditions. Instead of educating themselves they went after a mayor and council who probably own more guns per capita than most other folks in the lesser 48

This should come as a surprise to exactly no one, but you can gave a lot of guns and still not be very smart.
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Nov 23, 2016
Worth a read - New IRS disclosures from the NRA.

"Last year, compensation for top NRA executives rose by 41 percent, with LaPierre receiving a total of about $2.2 million from the NRA and related entities even as pension benefits for employees have been frozen"

"During the same period, the group slashed spending on hunter services by 63 percent; public affairs by 52 percent;"



Apr 8, 2018
Wow - lots going on between the lines of that article. Admitting to "excess benefits" puts those particular executives at risk of paying some significant excise taxes. IIt looks like the admission of excess benefits for Wayne is limited to ~$300k of his travel reimbursements, for which he's paying ~$75k of excise taxes. f there are any other tax geeks out there, here is a link to the return - - see Schedule L starting on p. 81.

Also, and FWIW, responsible and prudent non-profits routinely seek to avoid these situations by rigorous policies and procedures (and the involvement of outside professionals, including those who determine whether compensation and other benefits are consistent with the market).