Thoughts on the NRA


Dec 19, 2016
Eastern Montana
I used to be a member, until they started calling wanting more money all the time from spoofed numbers. The last lady called with a number that said Cut Bank Montana, I asked her how she liked the Sweetgrass hills? She said what? I said well your number says you are in Cutbank, you must like the Sweetgrass hills? Silence. I told her to take me off the call list or I was canceling my membership, they didn’t and I did.
Aug 26, 2014
The thing which will bring the (1) most, and (2) most effective change for the NRA will be when the organization fears its own collapse. That's most likely to happen due to successful legal challenges and definitely if there is a major decline in membership and financial resources. The NRA has been the bully on the block for many years, but it should not think itself bullet-proof. Once an organization falls into disfavor with its own members AND the general public, there's a real problem, and potential for a major decline toward irrelevancy.


Mar 29, 2017
I have a problem with a not-for-profit that begs me for money CONSTANTLY while their CEO makes more money than the POTUS and wears $2K suits.
That being said, I am still a member as I believe they are THE most politically active organization with clout that protects SOME of our 2A rights.
May 6, 2018
Shenandoah Valley
From 2008- 2016 the American Rifleman gave a lot of bad press to the last administration. I read my co-worker issue monthly. Swayed a lot of voters through those years. Again, I'm not defending the NRA, not even a member, but they did put the pressure on them!

You really think that swayed voters?

I mean they write articles for their demographic. I can't see many people picking up the Rifleman and reading anything in it that would change their view, it's already aligned with their views.

The best thing they did was sponsoring, no other organizations have donated as much to the youth shooting sports that I am aware of. It was a small percentage of the overall funding they had. Too busy spending money in other places.
Nov 19, 2017
I used to be a member until I couldn't even sit down at the dinner table at night without them calling for more money. "Oh we need money to fight this or that" wait what is my membership dues going for ? Oh that's right to pay people like Wayne ridiculous amounts of money to jet around the country and enjoy an extravagant life style.

Just like any other organizations i.e politicians, cooperation's etc. left unchecked they get corrupted and drunk on their own power until they finally forget their main mission and reason for existence. They need to either gut that corrupt organization from the top down or like others have posted fund Oliver North to start another gun membership lobby that will work for the American People's 2nd amendment rights.


Jun 28, 2017
Any organization that big has corruption in it whether people admit it or not. But without an organization that is big enough to get a seat at the round table Then we don’t have a voice for anything. And we can’t just do away with the nra and have a organization that big over night.
Apr 5, 2015
Divided thoughts. It does appear That the NRA leadership has strayed into a realm of excess. Probably time for a new regime and a return to a higher level of accountability and transparency Within its operations.

while I think the NRAs rhetoric and messaging has become somewhat problematic in these past years, I understand that this is a reflection of the “absolutism” that pervades modern US politics and a necessary evil to countermeasure the anti gun opposition. while I still think they play a vital role in protecting gun ownership rights, I am less enthusiastic and accepting of some other elements of this most recent narrative. Complaining about funding shortfalls while siphoning off such egregious amounts for personal salaries and perks doesn’t sit well with me.

The Ny suit is a tactic plain and simple And falls into line with NYs anti gun government agenda. I sure if the AG of NY turned such an intense gaze on any number of nonprofits or the NY govt itself, it could find similar behavior. That fact that NRA leadships behavior left them so vulnerable to the attack is a result of hubris or stupidity or both.

time for new leadership and a good old fashion belt tightening at the top Of the house. I am a life member but it is hard for me to think about donating any more to them until they right the ship.

Mt Al

Dec 16, 2017
I used to be a member, until they started calling wanting more money all the time from spoofed numbers. The last lady called with a number that said Cut Bank Montana, I asked her how she liked the Sweetgrass hills? She said what? I said well your number says you are in Cutbank, you must like the Sweetgrass hills? Silence. I told her to take me off the call list or I was canceling my membership, they didn’t and I did.

Almost the same for me. Told them to take me off their call list, if they didn't stop bugging me they'd never see another dime. Asked them to repeat back to me what I'd just said, they did. "Now, am I off the calling list" "Sir, we can't really do that" "OK, I'm out!". Very odd.

NRA does great things and has for decades. They've also been clearly, obviously, blatantly, idiotically poorly run and corrupt for a long time. They made themselves a target of ridicule.

NRA members defending the leadership's corruption is no different then Libs looking the other way when Biden gets accused of sexual assault. Same mentality.
Jan 16, 2014
Pretty simple to me, if an organization is bankrolling politicians who are openly hostile to public lands and working to sell them don't get my money. We have a constitutional right to own firearms with solid case law...we have no such protections guaranteeing access or even to the continued existence of public lands. NRA can get bent.


Oct 28, 2014
Dont forget that the NRA is incorporated in NY. So this has to take place in NY, there isn't any option. Furthermore this clearing house has been called for by members of the board for almost 3 years and everyone of those members have been shown the door. Generally speaking with corruption of this magnitude what your seeing is only the tip of the iceberg.

The scare rackets that been used by the NRA marketing to fleece its membership, in order to keep pading the pockets of these thieves is indefensible.
Mar 15, 2017
If the NRA spent as much time advocating against any and all threats to the 2A as they did trying to scare me into giving those chicken shits more of my hard earned money for some cheap Chinese pocket knife I might actually get on board.

The NRA rolls over like a dog in heat when trump says he doesn't like bump stocks, suppressors, or due process.


Apr 8, 2018
Well said @Desk Jockey , and thanks to the OP for the post. I was just thinking of starting a similar thread.

I too have mixed feelings. I'm a life member and would probably give more if I thought it was needed for a particular situation, but I have to admit that I'm being a hypocrite in that I'm supporting an organization based in large part on its power, and I routinely find myself chastising others for taking a position when the ends justify the means.

I understand that a 2A organization might find itself in the position of supporting a politician who has a stance that is contrary to one of my other beliefs. I also expect that a pro-hunting organization might support a politician who, for example, supports increasing my access to hunting lands, but has a position that is inconsistent with the 2A (like "hunting rifles are fine, but no one needs a 30 round magazine"). In each case I don't think that makes either organization an enemy. *Personally* if I have to choose between the 2A and hunting, I know which I will choose. I just hope that never comes to pass, and the times where there is a conflict are minimized.

The NRA is far from perfect. If you haven't reviewed the publicly available tax return (Form 990), it's pretty eye-opening. The most recent I could find was from 2018 and here are some interesting items: $92.8mm paid to the top 5 independent contractors; and $6.6mm paid to the top 5 officers and directors (including North, although his ~$1.4mm wasn't paid by the NRA, it was paid by the #1 independent contractor - the PR firm). The notes about how some of the directors receive benefits are also pretty interesting (sickening - IMHO).

Finally, the NY AG action is clearly political because of the remedy sought - dissolution of the NRA. Years ago this was generally the only remedy available when "insiders" abused a nonprofit, but even Congress figured out that was not appropriate and in the 90's enacted a law that permits the IRS to impose what are called "intermediate sanctions" when an insider engages in an "excess benefit transaction". (Translated - the IRS can impose big monetary penalties *on the individuals* who work at a nonprofit and abuse their power, without dissolving the nonprofit itself.) If the NY AG wanted to solve alleged abuses, I am confident that there are similar options under NY law, and if not, she could work with the IRS to get to the "right" result.

Fingers crossed that things become more transparent, but not holding my breath.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
The nra has done a lot for our gun rights over the years and they also have/have had problems/troubles and supported things that they should not have. Unfortunately with or without the nra it is only a matter of time before the liberals control enough of the government to start the ban wagon up. Far to many people will vote for these people and far to many gun owners will support 'sensible' gun control laws that 'keep us all safe'.

I would say before 2025 we will be well on the way to australian/canadien gun bans here, maybe it will start next year.


Jan 1, 2015
I do not like talking about politics on hunting forums but our ability to hunt is unfortunately tied to it.

The NRA is an imperfect organization. But it is the primary organization that is fighting to keep our right to buy and own firearms. There is a reason that liberals hate it and want to get rid of it. Donations are the lifeblood of any political organization. Do I like giving money or getting phone calls? No. Can they spend our money more effectively? Absolutely. Will you keep your gun rights with out it? No. That is a fact. That is why I am an NRA member.

It is easy to find a reason not to be an NRA member. The liberal media works hard to provide you with that information, true or not. They want you to hate LaPierre. They are trying very hard to weaken the NRA. It is a very effective political organization. Don't loose sight of the bigger picture or be a pawn.

If you think the Constitution is somehow a isn't. It is subject to interpretation and we are one election and some Supreme Court appointments away from loosing some important rights. When Democrats say the Constitution is a living, breathing document, that is a dog whistle for it can be changed. If we get rid of the Electoral College, the Democrats will not be able to loose a national election and a few large states will drive our national policies, even more than they do now. If you don't think Democrats are trying to get rid of your gun and hunting rights, you are naive, IMO. It is an inconvenient truth.

I hate to be selfish but public lands don't do me any good if I can't hunt them. I am not going to drive 12 hours to hug a tree. I get it. I don't like everything Republicans or the NRA do either but I like Democrats, Antifa and Socialism less.

If I have to pick a dog in the hunt, the 2nd Amendment wins for me every single time. I want to keep my guns. Without it, other rights we take for granted will be at risk or easily taken away. Once they are gone we aren't getting them back.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
The Trump win in 2015 was a shock to the liberals The next time they can they will change all the 'rules' so a conservative never sits in the White House again. They will also 're-structure' the SCOTUS to favor their agenda. Then importation of 'refugees' to areas that they need more votes will begin again in earnest.
Mar 11, 2017
It was written in 2018.
The fact that article was dredged up and posted today, the same day the Soros funded NY AG announces she is going to destroy the NRA?
Yeah, timing...

Anti-hunting and anti-gun groups do use these forums. They try to “divide and conquer”. I’m not saying the OP is a troll, but it does seem like an incredible coincidence that a 2018 article is dredged up and posted by a Rokslide member of less than a year.

The NY AG has been investigating the NRA for over a year and a half, sound familiar?

Soros is anti-gun as it comes and he has been funding DAs for a while know. The NY AG received almost a million dollars in direct and indirect campaign contributions from Soros and other left wing anti-gun organizations.

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