For sure! I hit the gym without fail 5 days a week focusing on progressive overload and do "enough" cardio. But, this will be my first real challenge as far as hiking steep inclines with weight. Most I've done prior is the Missouri River Bluffs of South Dakota with a day pack so I want to be best prepared and not be toast after a day or two.As I understand it, the changed view is pretty narrow: static stretching before exercise will decrease (ever so slightly!) performance during that exercise. So today you see athletes doing kinetic warmups before their event rather than static stretches.
But that’s really the extent of the insight, as I understand it. (I could be wrong!) Stretching and mobility exercises are, otherwise, effective and advised.
I don’t have a stretching routine during a hunt or mountain event, but mobility, strength, and stretching as an overall part of a fitness routine is important.
Can't hurt, IMO. I do intense cardio for 2 hours 45 minutes four days a week, resistance for an hour one day, volunteer running and lifting boxes and food for a local food pantry charity for five hours one day a week. I try to keep up a baseline of activity so that I don't need to stretch much before exertion. Climbed Mt Borah last year and no stretch prep done. But I'm retired and have lots of time for activities; ymmv.In recent years, the theory of the importance of stretching has changed a bit. Especially in the fitness world. What are some thoughts from personal experiences of doing some stretching before, after, or both, on a Mt./steep hills-type of hunt?
If that’s your goal, maybe flip the cardio and weights - weights a few days a week and hiking/running for aerobic development for an hourish a day with one rest day (working up). But, I’m sure it’ll work either way - unless you’re doing an Alaska sheep hunt or something it’s just not that hard.For sure! I hit the gym without fail 5 days a week focusing on progressive overload and do "enough" cardio. But, this will be my first real challenge as far as hiking steep inclines with weight. Most I've done prior is the Missouri River Bluffs of South Dakota with a day pack so I want to be best prepared and not be toast after a day or two.
Agreed 100%VERY important as you get older...just my personal experience and opinion. Stretch, stretch more.
I googled stretching to prevent injury after reading your post....and it looks like youre right! haha, im gonna have to look into some mobility routinesFrom an athletic performance perspective flexibility is need based.
Tae Kwon Do competitors, Gymnasts and Ballerinas have a greater need for flexibility than endurance athletes.
Absolute strength is more important than flexibility.
Stretching doesn't reduce injury risk.
If you enjoy stretching do it
If you don't I wouldn't put the time into it.
A basic mobility routine has a lot to offer.
Good Journey!
David Goggins had a bunch of issues and stated that he was prescribed a stretching protocol that was about an hour or so of stretching every day and he swears by it nowA young man that worked for me painting houses got drafted by the Boston Red Sox as a pitcher. He told me that they spent an hour and a half stretching every day before he ever picked up a baseball.