Meopta Meostar 10x42 if I was on a budget and could only carry one glass. If you are relegated to one pair of binos, I would go with 10x42. 15x56 are a bit over power for everyday hunting/freehand glassing. You will probably use binos freehand the majority of the time, then mounted for prolonged glassing sessions. Lots of folks successfully hunt with just binos. A good tripod will transform those binos into a glassing machine. There are several good quality upper mid priced binos out there that will approach Swaro performance without the price tag IMO. If Swaro is all you will be happy with in your mind, then by all means. They are good glass, but it won't break a hunt if you are using a product 97% as good. If you can afford two sets, then 15s seem to be the new rage now.