The Maven’s arrived in time for a good long session leading up to dark last night. Just goes to show, something appearing the same doesn’t really mean it will turn out the same. The eye cups on the maven just don’t really work for me. I struggle to get proper eye relief regardless of position or lighting condition. I think these are another *really* good piece of glass! Unfortunately, all this and my original posts do is confirm the nebulous advice of - it depends on what they look like to each person. I was positively biased that the Maven 10x50 would outpace the GPO in low light but it just didn’t happen. I’ll give it another shot tonight but then it’s time to wrap this all up.
Two things that aren’t deal breakers but not addressed earlier, I’ll bring up now.
This is a major hit against the alpha glass to me personally. The mindset of “yeah, brand X should have a better warranty cause you’re gonna need it!” is pretty silly to me. If I give you $2,000 - $3,000 because your glass (pinky out) “is an investment,” it had better perform and you’d better be willing to stand behind it. Looking at you, Swaro. 10 years? That’s a good guarantee of performance at $500-$750. Not $2500. Zeiss is better here with a lifetime warranty and a 5 year no fault policy on top. I can live with that.
GPO’s policy is leagues better. Lifetime, transferable, and any retailer is authorized to fulfill it on the spot. (Verbatim from their warranty info.) Nope, does you no good when they go out of business. Same thing everyone said about Vortex. Will GPO stick around? Dunno, but Swaro used to have a better warranty, too. I think if they work for your eyes and your mission with your glass, and you find some used for $600…you might have the best thing going, dollar for dollar.
Am I saying that would keep me from buying Swarovski? No. If you need the very best of every category (except warranty) AND the fit, features, and ergos work for you, I suspect they will be your best choice. Same for Zeiss.
The other thing is the adapter issue. It’s ridiculous to me that the alpha manufacturers haven’t figured this out. It’s not like they’re churning out updates to the EL and Victory frames every year, this would be a good and overdue update.
So I’ll wrap it up soon, but I had another odd to almost comical thought today. My order of preference for what I think is the best *for me.*
The funny part is, the gap between the GPO and alpha, to me, is factor dependent. It’s there, no argument, but small. Well the gap from Swaro to Zeiss is also marginal. Maybe even a push. Except the same cost/value discussion is here. While Swaro shows the EL at $2500 retail, I think we can agree that they’re selling for about $2000-$2100 now while the Zeiss are still a shave under $2800. This makes the EL the…budget choice?

Food for thought. And a chuckle.
If I am trying the GPO, it probably would have been prudent to also try the Zeiss Conquest. But I had to draw the line somewhere on the drug deal with my wife that I was about to “buy” north of $7000 in binos and return them. The elephant in the room is the same convo with the NL Pure. Same answer, but just noting that I do realize there are these and many more options. (Uhhh, Leica?! I know, I know.)
So, I’ve taken all of my notes, and my solution is?
I’m renting from
@Rent Outdoor Gear for this upcoming hunt and I’ll sort out a purchase later.
I’ll shut up until I see what these are all about.