Take it with a grain of salt because I don’t have a 7 anything.I didn't make a decision yet fyi.Yes I was trying to acknowledge there currently is SAW brass but its future support being a niche caliber is unknown and if we were to run 7-08AI at high pressures like SAW (with SRP brass) we'd probably out run it right? Just talking here, pros/cons.
Small rifle primers don’t handle pressure like large do. Primer pockets might last longer, it ime on small primer brass in the 40 grain range, primer cups on smalls exhibit signs of failure way before large do.
Another thing to keep in mind is hang fires in cold and weather. I have had srp even magnums have hang fire issues in cold temperatures.
I don’t buy into the too short for too big of case thing. I think for the most part it’s bologna. If the suppressor will handle it shoot on.
For that reason I’d probably do a 18” 284 and not look back. No fire forming, no BS, dies up the wazoo.