Thinking about my next rifle.. (always)

If you handloaded a 8 twist 22-250 or 8 twist 243 tikka would be very high on the list. Otherwise I'd just recommend a tikka in 6.5 creedmoor.
I would look at the Winchester model 70 if it were me personally. Weatherby and browning still chamber it.
Thanks for the tip, I have relatively small bodied deer where I live and like the idea of this as my dedicated deer cartridge.
Go with a 7mm. Specifically a 280ai. I love the thought of my supergrade model 70 in 30-06 but my 280 is about as perfect as it gets. Would also double as a good elk cartridge.
I’ve always been anti what I call “6.5 manbunn”

But to be honest lately the creedmoor has been slightly appealing for a light recoil flat shooting rifle. It would work fine for deer and would make a great pronghorn cartridge I would imagine. Additionally, as the kids grow up (have two, 5 and 2,) it would be a decent option for them. The 7mm-08 fits along these lines also.

I guess I get irritated at when people refer to it 6.5cm as the best cartridge ever when it definitely has its limitations!

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Thank you for joining the sanity club.

The 6.5CM (like the 308 and 7-08) is a fantastic deer cartridge out to reasonable distances. You get a light gun, minimal recoil, most 6.5CM can shoot accurately, and there is plenty of ammo available.

It got its bad rap because some morons believed it was an elephant cartridge out 1000yds.

(Note: I would have seriously considered the 7-08 but for its limited availability in N Texas stores.)
Another vote for the 7/ 08 in terms of recoil, ammo availability, and ballistics but it does seem odd to have a .308 and 7/08 in the same stable unless you were looking to pass along to one of your children. Just my .02