Mr. Kyle,
On your .308......
I'm not smarter than anyone here but likely older and LONG on hunting rifle experience.
Strongly recommend you keep it. If you sell it...can almost promise you...down the road you'll want to replace it. Latest and greatest? No. All those great technical ballistics the 223 and 6.5 fans brag about? No. But, when it comes to TERMINAL ballistics, it just keeps getting it done. 24/7/365. I speak from experience. Dependably with easily manageable recoil. earlier post:
We take elk in Colorado every year with the .308. The kids use them with my hand loaded 180 Sierra sbt. Ranging from 50 yards to 450 yards. All went down within 50 yards. My 300 wsm doesn’t make them die any quicker…..
Amen to that.
In my case, I own 2 rifles. The .308 for just about everything, starting with Coyotes and up. Like yours, mine is a tack driver. 2nd rifle? 300 Win Mag. Necessary? Probably not. But I have a lot of confidence in the cartridge for bigger, bite-back game. Except for Wiley, I keep my hunting range inside 500 yards.
So.......keep your .308. You may not see its real value right now. Down the road, you will. As for all the optics recommendations? Absolutely right!!