Thermal for the working man

When I opened this thread I thought it was going to be a discussion of thermal underwear..... to much time in the north country I guess 😂😂
I would agree!
If you can only get into the night hinting with a couple pieces, a good scanner will tell you what is there and give you an idea where they are coming from, then sqitch to n.v. to shoot.

Or just go thermal scope with low base mag and use it all the way in. As the cheap scanners dont do you a ton of good
Any recs for a thermal scope for hogs at maybe 30 yards?
I got a deal on a used Pulsar Trail XP50 and love it. A buddy bought a super hogster and another got an AGM rattler 25 and they are both good scopes for the money. Thermal is a game changer.
I got a Rattler TS25 last week and I’m really impressed with it just messing around with it so far. Incredible that they have gotten so small and light now. Only 19.25oz with batteries installed and the mount. Waiting o a couple parts to finish my 6mm ARC AR15 and it’ll be off to the races on some hogs and coyotes at night.

Muley if your asking about how far away you can see coyotes ? This past winter I was using my buddy’s rifle with a Super Hogster. We were hunting late in the season and calling from a large hilltop overlooking agriculture fields. There were six coyotes that were at least a mile away that we could both see. I was looking through the SH and my buddy through a scanner. I think that was my ‘aha’ moment to start buying the SH and Phenom.
If anyone is thinking about buying a Super Hogster, Phenom or othe Bering products call Whitaker gun in Kentucky and ask for Chris Whitaker. Cheapest prices anywhere. I bought my SH and Phenom for over $400 each less than any other retailer.
He is moving a lot of units.
If anyone is thinking about buying a Super Hogster, Phenom or othe Bering products call Whitaker gun in Kentucky and ask for Chris Whitaker. Cheapest prices anywhere. I bought my SH and Phenom for over $400 each less than any other retailer.
He is moving a lot of units.

I dont see Bering products on the website.
Just wondering if the SH or the Phenom had a clear advantage in detection range in real world use.
For the price it’s second to none. Is there better, oh yeah but at a significant price increase.
Whitaker’s has many different brands. We did a side by side comparison. For the price point the SH is tops.
Plus a lot better warranty
I have an ATN thor LT for about a year. It works well enough for under 100yds. Past that it gets a little harder make things out.

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From ehat i have heard pulsar does have good customer service, but many guys are also having to use it for pount of impact changes and other issues related to updates or lack of updates or whatever the issue. They do seem to have video, sound, lrf idlf you need as well as the xp suppsed to have great picture.

The atn n.v. i had used one time was great to use and would also have been better with an external light, but i knew thermal was where i wanted to be and be able to detect them out there much further.

Do you have the wraith? They are saying that has been a real good n.v. scope for the money as long as what you suggested happens, new ir light and some external batteries to run all night.

There are tons of options and advancements all the time.
Completely agree on the Wraith. I have one which I love now after I bought a top end IR light. I wasn't impressed out of the box but the new IR light was a complete game changer. I've used an ATN also and I prefer the Wraith.
I've been using the AGM Rattler TS25 for a few weeks now and have been really impressed at what you get for that $2k price point. I've used alot of Flir, Pulsar and Trijicon thermals through work and the Rattler is definitely a great budget friendly option for getting in the game.

Was able to easily detect a group of coyotes 400 yards across a field and called one in to shoot at 75 yards. Then last night shot a pig at 100 on the base magnification.