Mayhem Contributor
Man all things being equal. I shoot rifles 400-800 all the time. In excess of 2k rounds a year. Last week I fluked out a .66 moa 3 shot group at 500 and a .55moa 5 shot group at 400. I gut shot a deer at 300 last year. I’m not even sure how it happened but it did and its embarrassing. Thats a chip shot for me anyday but that one. Practice makes perfect and even with tons of practice bad things happen. I still think its unrealistic to say you can pick up one of the most difficult weapon systems and claim to be able to be proficient inside a month. In fact, I don't believe personally it’s a good idea to pick up any weapon system and plan to hunt with it a month later. There are plenty of guys in the firearms section that can’t get better then 3" groups at 100 and plenty of compound archers that cant nail the 40 yard plate in the cold bow challenge. I'm not saying one should never hunt but lots of guys should take a step back and be honest with themselves on what they are actually capable of.