I don't know, kinda why I asked? Less powder burnt at higher pressure VS more powder burnt at lower pressure with same bullet going same speed.Wouldn't that be encompassed in the velocity portion of the equation?
I guess a 7BC VS a long throat 7mag with a 180 going the same speed from same weight rifle. Put em on a recoil sled and see where they land, this will be the only way to really tell.
I wonder how suppressor manufacturers are gonna rate their cans with these high psi cases. Maybe it won't be a thing. It could be more based up gas volume/powder charge volumes and not psi at all. Because as cases get larger, barrel length ratings get longer. The 80-85k psi peak alloy cases is a new realm. They have them in 223/556 now too, getting 300fps faster than standard 223. That puts it at 22gt/22 creed velocity.