John, wish I could tell you.
We've seen GTE do 2-3 pops a year since the crash of 3/20, so, if past history is any indicator we should see a pop or two in '23. And who knows maybe a long-overdue breakout happens. At the WEF at Davos Leader Petro committed to less O & G drilling and permitting. That could work for us in that GTE has a ton of prime acreage already under permit that should be unaffected. It could monopolize things there. The problem though is the insane Colombian taxes.
If that country hadn't just elected an avowed Communist we'd have smooth sailing. I was hoping the people wouldn't do that, but just about everyone is nuts anymore. I won't make that mistake again.
Going to hang on. I regret not selling at $2.15, I really expected more breakout, but as we saw it decended and circled the drain.
I'd be happy selling in the $1.65 range at this point, but the second I do it will repeat that $2 run. :/
Sorry I can't be of more help, that stock is a stinker with expectations.