The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Wealthfront pays 3.8% currently and its easy to transfer money in and out from your regular bank account. FDIC insured.
I did some research over the weekend on Schwab and their internal options, I wound up just putting about half my cash in their Value Advantage Money Fund (SWVXX) today. The way these money market funds/accounts advertise their interest rates is a little confusing, but this particular money market mutual fund is highly rated against like money market options anyway. Wish I had done this sooner, I've been mostly in cash for a long time already, at least a year.
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Wealthfront pays 3.8% currently and its easy to transfer money in and out from your regular bank account. FDIC insured.
How long have you been using Wealthfront? I have seen them advertised but I'm curious about the cash account as well as the brokerage/trade bot account.
How long have you been using Wealthfront? I have seen them advertised but I'm curious about the cash account as well as the brokerage/trade bot account.
About 2.5 years. I use their high yield savings account to store cash that is designated for a large future purchase.

I should add there are other high yield savings accounts from different "banks" in the same or even a bit higher yields.
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Anybody paying for the premium access on Seeking Alpha and if so, have you seen a benefit to that?
I cross check on Seeking Alpha every once in awhile, its alright. I think the research reports on Schwab are better.

SA has a bunch of up and comers that could be good…or bad. Its like all internet stuff; You can get some good tidbits but you have to follow these folks for a little while to see if they know their stuff. Its much the same on Youtube….. or Hunt forums- grin. We see it here; A guy does his first backpack hunt and all of a sudden he is an expert.

I typically start with a sector I think will outperform for 1-3 years. Then I dive into the companies in that sector that are either undervalued or in the sweet spot. I don’t pay much attention to past performance. I read all of the research and news on them and then cross check it with technical analysis. I don’t give a lot of weight to analyst recommendations- they are usually over optimistic or late to the party.
I always pay attention to the total market and the time of year, as a-good stock in an underperforming market gets dragged down. And then there is the Fed 🤔

Then I go on the internet and start searching for tidbits; Stocktwits, twitter, google search, SA, etc. Thats how I found SQM and PTON a month ago. Super undervalued in the sectors I wanted. SQM labor issues were clearing up so I pulled the trigger. Its still a slow labor underproducing socialist country- it still should have room to run. PTON was at rock bottom totally reorganized, leaner with better management, good sales and subscription retention.

If they value peloton as a subscription service and it has decent earnings tomorrow that stock could go much higher and/or possibly get bought.

A little bit of work goes a long ways.…and then when you have a winner you have to have an exit strategy. My son correctly picked Moderna early…rode it up 3x and then down finally sold it at 2x profit After I was hounding him on exit strategy.
I appreciate that answer and insight. I take it you are long in PTON
Yes, i own a couple thousand shares but I’m in between $7.88 and $8.04.

Please dont take that as a recommendation to buy. I am just making educated guesses and now playing with house money. Its highly evolving. They have made many important changes…but There is no way to know if I’m right about increasing new subscribers or them keeping their excellent retention rate.

we will find out tomorrow.

I think its important to understand- every investment is a gamble….seriously. we are always at the mercy of; the big picture stuff like the market itself, world issues, politics…and then the company itself. Heck, look at Crate and Barrel…somewhat predictable with all of those expensive storefronts…but its going down. The more you know about markets and the Co or sector- that lessens the risk.

If anyone tells you they have the golden touch- its hogwash. I have been watching BX for 2 yrs. Bought below $80 recently…then they had the capital issue with their RE fund- I dumped it at a small profit…but now left $13,000 on the table < face palm> a screwup…but I’m ok with it.

Simply, I didn’t feel I understood their business enough….and I just plain am not going to ride anything down losing money. So I get whipsawed a fair amount…..and I don’t capitalize on some huge run ups.

Some would disagree….but I use going in and out to control my risk. I trade more in non tax accts. I’ve only been 90%in the market since mid Dec…before that I was up to 60% in cash. If Im averaging 20%+ a year…I’m happy.

I applaud the traders here that do their homework.

The group think tells you that buy and hold….or passive investing is the best strategy. Sorry- but thats just lazy and excuse. Citadel did 38% last year…and 21% the year before- and they are managing the Titanic.

I say if you are down for the year with your current financial planner…its time to rethink their pitch of “stay the course”. They use past performance to bolster their argument….take a look at the exact same market setup we have now; early 1970’s and see how that panned out for passive investors back then. IME, hope and banking on past performance is a poor strategy. Ask yourself; What is going to outperform for the next 1-3 years?

I think CNQ and the Vanguard oil etf which i went into pretty big a month ago will continue to do well…( I hate to give recommendations- call it an example to study) but its strongly tied to the price of oil so if oil demand tanks before summer….cut it loose…and then buy it back for the summer season.

Sorry for the ramble….But the group think is a pet peeve of mine…when you think about it, its the reason behind a lot of the bad shit in the world right now.
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CVNA the next GME??

I bought some carvanna a couple weeks back and planned to sell in the $15 dollar range, which it blew through here after hours. I’ve got a bad habit of selling way too early but I hate to be greedy here. What to do, what to do…

In other news, the market sure liked ol Jerome today.
I don't understand the Carvana rally, I assume it's just meme stock speculation BS like most other shooting stars these days. Glad I didn't dip my toe in the shorting NASDAQ pool late last week, this week has gone the way I thought it might. Nothing makes sense at this point, it's the market versus the Fed now which it really has never been, it's always been "don't fight the Fed." Now the market is just calling the Fed's bluff on how committed they are to keep rates higher for longer and reading into every single word for optimistic signals but never the pessimistic ones. Which tells me there is a lot of FOMO and euphoria going around right now, which has a lot of momentum that will need to run out but probably isn't sustainable either.

Wish I was paying attention a month ago to REITs, I just started looking at them this week and they have exploded in the last couple weeks. I'll probably be watching those moving forward for a more attractive entry point, I like the idea of passive income generating holdings.
Anyone want to share their hard-earned insights on REITs lately, valuations, risks, etc? I've seen mention in the last few pages of a couple different REITs people are watching, and I'm just starting to take a look at these, so baseline knowledge is low at this point. What are you guys watching for, timing-wise, dividend-wise, portfolio-wise?
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Usually split my Roth contributions up throughout the year. Anything worth throwing a couple grand at? I was at my limit when TSLA tanking a month or two ago :bangshead.
Usually split my Roth contributions up throughout the year. Anything worth throwing a couple grand at? I was at my limit when TSLA tanking a month or two ago :bangshead.
I picked up a few shares of TSLA when it was in the low $100's with plans to buy a bunch more if it dipped below $100. I'm kicking myself now that I didn't load up when I bought. I've nearly doubled my money on those few shares but it could have been a lot bigger gain.

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Same here on's up here in no-man's-land now...too extended for me to buy more. Sell some covered calls on what you have maybe..