While I hate myself for missing the boat on CDEV early. I have at least been able to swing it multiple times for a good chunk of $. Thanks dudes and dudettes for putting that one on the radar.Oil stocks on a tear this morning!
While I hate myself for missing the boat on CDEV early. I have at least been able to swing it multiple times for a good chunk of $. Thanks dudes and dudettes for putting that one on the radar.
Well, anytime a company buys back shares it's generally a good thing for share price. Less dilution = more SP value. Theoretically GTE's stock should be worth 10% more the moment 10% of shares are bought back by the company.I don't totally understand this, I bought about 40 shares a while back, good to buy more or hold?
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Thanks for the explanation, I started reading more about what it meant, but that was a lot easier to understand for me then the technical jargon I read ha.Well, anytime a company buys back shares it's generally a good thing for share price. Less dilution = more SP value. Theoretically GTE's stock should be worth 10% more the moment 10% of shares are bought back by the company.
Conversely, when a company puts forth a share offering it has a negative effect by diluting the SP. It's much like what's happening right now with inflation, trillions printed and the U.S. dollar.
Given what was mentioned up the thread I'll leave politics out of it, but honestly it's just too easy.
WHSI should run nice the next few weeks.
Isn't the -8% decline the market rewarded us with today so lovely? The shenanigans in this market never cease to amaze me!Well Cdevians, today was the day.
CDEV merged with Colgate Energy to form ticker PR aka Permian Resources, the largest Permian pure play in the Delaware Basin. New ticker debuts tomorrow on Nasdaq but soon after on the NYSE. A step up..
The duo now operates 8 rigs in the basin with about 140-150K barrels a day of production, that should increase moving forward.
Deets here: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-...on-Forming-Permian-Resources-Corporation.html
Cliff notes: $350 million share buyback upped to $500 million to be executed immediately, but incrementally to Q4 '24. Annual dividend of .05 starting Q4. Divi will be variable after that based on quarterly profits.
Congrats to those who have slogged this out for the last 2.5 years, can't believe that we're still here!
Hard to imagine that $10-12 isn't on the near-term horizon for this company.
Ha! I was just saying the same exact thing to my wife.Isn't the -8% decline the market rewarded us with today so lovely? The shenanigans in this market never cease to amaze me!
Quoting myself here, but it's to add the thought that I can't imagine oil price doesn't jump way back up next week, there doesn't seem to be great reasons for it to be so down today, it's all hope the Iran deal is back on, China shut down a city, recessions normally mean no oil demand. But Saudi Arabia basically already said OPEC isn't going to let prices stay like this for long, the SPR doesn't have that much more to give to buoy the current global supply, plus we are going into the winter when the entire continent of Europe is already in an absolute energy crisis. Didn't chase the OXY premium right now though because it's way up from where it was the last time WTI was $92, which I attribute to the Buffett effect.Well I just bought a handful of CDEV shares to get back into some oil exposure since I sold OXY last week, seems like CDEV has more upside than OXY does at this point. Hopefully this was the low for this cycle?
I personally think it was a good buy and if I had more guts I would have bought more, just hard when you are in pretty deep at about a $1.00 avg to add up here....seems better to wait it out.Well I just bought a handful of CDEV shares to get back into some oil exposure since I sold OXY last week, seems like CDEV has more upside than OXY does at this point. Hopefully this was the low for this cycle?
I have been debating with myself for months now on if it's too late to get into CDEV, and as long as I had some OXY shares I felt satisfied with staying out, I missed the boat on the big gains, I'm exposed to oil already. But figured this big drop in oil the last couple days is nonsense, plus CDEV price is down despite the good news this last week or two, and I have to think a larger share of OXY's upside potential is already done and dusted while at $7.50 for CDEV today it seems like a good play to try to potentially grab 30%+ return on based on what I'm seeing. But what do I know, I hate this trading stuff, I want to just invest but this isn't a market that makes any sense to invest in right now.I personally think it was a good buy and if I had more guts I would have bought more, just hard when you are in pretty deep at about a $1.00 avg to add up here....seems better to wait it out.
APA is the other one I have been playing for swings and it got hammered today as well. Might be one to look at for you. I got in at $31 and should have sold when it hit $40 something last week, but now I am holding and thinking about adding.
I think you made a great play, I’ve been in CDEV since the beginning of time with Broomed. We’ve seen it all, one thing is for sure…she will run one day and run hard. It’s happened many a time.I have been debating with myself for months now on if it's too late to get into CDEV, and as long as I had some OXY shares I felt satisfied with staying out, I missed the boat on the big gains, I'm exposed to oil already. But figured this big drop in oil the last couple days is nonsense, plus CDEV price is down despite the good news this last week or two, and I have to think a larger share of OXY's upside potential is already done and dusted while at $7.50 for CDEV today it seems like a good play to try to potentially grab 30%+ return on based on what I'm seeing. But what do I know, I hate this trading stuff, I want to just invest but this isn't a market that makes any sense to invest in right now.