Right now is buying time. If your selling at a loss and have time to wait for it to rebound just wait it out or DCA down. Bitcoin and ETH could go down a bit further but it’s been holding strong where it is. I wouldn’t expect it to drop much. When it rebounds both are likely to go above previous ATH. ETH is testing some upgrades, if they work out it will likely surpass its ATH and have better gains than Bitcoin on the way back up.
Some alt coins/tokens I have on my watchlist are JASMY, AMP, Matic, SOL and LINK. AMP and JASMY being two I expect some great long term gains and what I have most of my money in. But don’t take advice from me, I am way down right now. I am on the fence with SOL, if they can’t make some fixes soon I might dump it.
Also AMP has staking for over 8% right now.