A few things here. . . First farmers are the best fish story tellers out there so take everything with a grain of salt. Now on to the meat and potatoes.
If a farmer plans to not fertilize and take insurance he's going to need a lot of help along the way. Poor yeild alone won't get the payment. Need a weather event, delay, or some other event to cause the reduced yeild. If you average 220/ac on corn and raise 160 and it was a normal year there will be an investigation and they will want to see what you put out for fertilizer.
Next part:. Crop prices are very high. . . Like near record high. As such you can cover a lot of expense. I live in irrigated farm country where some of the expenses are toward the top end because we have to pump water and not count on mother nature for it. We are planting road ditch to road ditch. Guys are looking at $300-$500/ acre profits across their farms on 70/30 corn soybean splits.
Now even if they didn't book fertilizer and fuel early they are still looking at $150-300/acre profit. And when I say profit I mean, all bills paid (including vehicles and house payment), family living covered, and PROFITING 150-300/acre on top of that. Guys are capitalizing on the opportunity not passing it by and trying to grab insurance. To get insurance in the manner you are saying they would put in all the expense except fertilizer, and then get 30% yeild and receive $14.33 per bushel for 45% of their yeild to get them to 75%. Or they pay for the fert, sell 100% of their beans (for higher prices or today's price of about $14.30in my area),make more money and not commit fraud!
I love farmers, but BS is an art form and the shit gets deep enough that you better have waders! Tons of corn and beans planted across Nebraska!
This year alone I've heard the new world order is gonna take over, a guy complain he's going broke as we literally reviewed his cash flow showing him making $500,000 this year, and one guy saying he couldn't afford fertilize even though he had prepaid and bought all he needed at the end of 2021! It's ingrained in them to bitch and moan and make it seem like the world is ending! Then at harvest they will smile, book a trip to Cabo, and enjoy life for 2.5 months before starting over.