The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Now that Biden has admitted what we already knew it proves out that anything they do or have done is just political fluff and not really designed to do anything to bring prices down long term. Flat out he and his minions do not care what happens with gas prices.

Now that Biden has admitted what we already knew it proves out that anything they do or have done is just political fluff and not really designed to do anything to bring prices down long term. Flat out he and his minions do not care what happens with gas prices.

"Newsweek"...thankful for their candor lately. As usual, where are the insects from Associated Press, NYT, WPost, or any other MSM outlet? They're covering for these creeps.
It's all disgusting.
Now that Biden has admitted what we already knew it proves out that anything they do or have done is just political fluff and not really designed to do anything to bring prices down long term. Flat out he and his minions do not care what happens with gas prices.

Guess I will have to leave my truck parked.
these politicians are putting the cart before the horses man.

They are literally pricing people out of being able to drive to work. In Cali, there are already blackouts all over the place, can you imagine once they force everyone to have electric vehicles?

Back to stock trading...... other than energy, what other sectors are you guys seeing perform well? Real estate up here in the great white north is going absolutely bonkers.

People are buying homes, and 2 years later they are worth over $200,000 more than they paid. Im unlucky in that my home has been flat for the past 4 years.

Worth maybe buying some shares in real estate developers? The government plans on subsidizing a bunch of new homes
Boy that's a loaded question. If you do your own investing you are so much better off but we do not teach that in school or anywhere else for that matter. You have to figure it out on your own. A free and valuable information resource is Warren Buffets annual reports to shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway. It will help you understand what to look for when investing and the principles apply to practically anything. Unfortunately most people use an advisor and mutual funds and you are paying for both of those things and the results are not stellar. An index fund with low or no management fees will outperform over 90% of all advisors and over a long period its even better. If you can choose your own investments the key to success is to never overpay. Most of the time the difference between a risky investment and a safe investment is the price. A great company that is overpriced is a risky investment......a mediocre company that is underpriced is a safer investment. If you own mutual funds you need to look at the top holdings in each fund......many times you think you are diversified as you have many mutual funds but when you look at the top holdings each fund may own the exact same companies and you have zero diversification. I have seen this many times when helping other people with their investments.......please check for your own good. We are currently seeing a lot of things happen that will cause more problems in the future. When we elect leaders that are inept.......local, state, or federal we the people suffer the horrific consequences. An informed electorate is our best defense against many bad things..........I don't think we have an informed electorate. Its your money so know all you can about what it is invested in and why. Not a specific answer to your question but some general advice based on my experience. I wish you all the best!

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Well Known Rokslider​

Joined Jun 23, 2013 Location Whatcom County, WA

gs of each fund they may all own the same companies.
GTE is getting some love today. So far...
About time this stock starts getting closer to its valuation. was losing hope there for a bit. Stock has produced over 150% profits for me so I can't complain yet crazy to see how manipulated these small cap stocks are.