What is everyone's favorite Dividend stock? Mine personally is At&T. Almost a 7% dividend and the stock is pretty stable with some potential for growth.
I don't claim to be the wolf of Wall street or anything, but with the oil market as volatile as it is right now and the emphasis shifting increasingly from fossil fuels to renewables, I can't see alternative energy being anything other than way more sage a long term play than all the oil stocks we've been talking about.
Right, IF, you believe that the market gets back to where it was then you could buy now, have it still go down more and still be getting a great discount when it rises back to previous levels.
Aside from stock trading, are you chaps still contributing to 401K or other similar retirement funds right now? I'm still putting into 401k (target fund) at IRS max pace. Just wondering if there's smarter/alternate strategy I should consider under the current circumstances.
Right, always take that free money. Then set up another account for whatever else you prefer.I‘m still pumping in $1k every 2 weeks (Being 54 has advantages). Buying now when it’s down, my 401k plan has Vanguard index funds (VIIIX, VMCIX, VSCIX, VFTAX) plus I put at least 25% into T Rowe Price midcap equity PMEGX.
i thought about dumping a ton in this last month to take even more advantage of these low prices, but I’d cap my company match if I did. hard to pass up free money (4% match!).
Dividends will be hard to pick right now. Many will be drastically reduced this earnings season.What is everyone's favorite Dividend stock? Mine personally is At&T. Almost a 7% dividend and the stock is pretty stable with some potential for growth.
I am long on GPPWhat are everyone's favorite alternative energy stocks right now? NEE and ENPH are two I've picked up recently, but looking to diversify if we see another dip here in the next few weeks.
I don’t know how old you are, but I still feel safe saying that oil/fossil fuel will rule supreme in your/our lifetime.
Dividends will be hard to pick right now. Many will be drastically reduced this earnings season.
CEQPWhat is everyone's favorite Dividend stock? ...
Aside from stock trading, are you chaps still contributing to 401K or other similar retirement funds right now? I'm still putting into 401k (target fund) at IRS max pace. Just wondering if there's smarter/alternate strategy I should consider under the current circumstances.
Today little MIK topped 33% more than I paid...took a couple of weeks but the profits were tasty.I'm not sure what your time frame is with MIK but I personally wouldn't touch it with a 10 ft pole. Its been down trending for years and recently its been heading lower well before this overall "dip" started.
I'm swinging ZM and CHWY over the weekend. Nothing crazy.
Little MIK topped 33% more than I paid today....took a couple of weeks but the profits were tasty.