The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Holy haircut for airlines, ford, etc...
FANG’s just killing it still.

ps- I’m turning this computer off and splitting firewood for a bit. I might regret that later, but I need a break. This market is amazing and volatile, even when it’s trading “sideways”. This new normal Is wild.
Good luck today!
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I was up 10% this morning on WISA, I holding for near $3. I’m the definition of patience, ask my wife

I’d like to hold XOG for $1, but it gets to .65, 100% might get itchy finger.

Got some LONE in the .60’s, I’d like to hit near $1 with that.

I have some YVR, has a history of shooting to $3 every 3 months or so. This is my paytience training, try to double up near $3.

I have some NCTY at .60, I think that’s a bit high so aiming for .80 here unless it’s moving fast.
Smart time to make a play on airlines? If it is, would you throw down heavy on a couple, or shotgun it across the board with several different ones?
Smart time to make a play on airlines? If it is, would you throw down heavy on a couple, or shotgun it across the board with several different ones?
Stay away from the ones with poor balance sheets. Pretty realistic some of these airlines could go under by the end of this.
I got in GNUS early this morning, swinging it through tomorrow at least based on what i see... picked up TOPS and SHIP late, hoping they keep momentum into pre market/ early morning tomorrow. Probably not holding long, but already looking good after hours for now

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Sold what I had left of NKLA. Anybody have an opinion of what a good buy back in price is on that one? Or is there?
I doubled down on those 2 also
I got in GNUS early this morning, swinging it through tomorrow at last based on what i see... picked up TOPS and SHIP late, hoping they keep momentum into pre market/ early morning tomorrow. Probably not holding long, but already looking good after hours for now

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...I’m turning this computer off and splitting firewood for a bit. I might regret that later, but I need a break. This market is amazing and volatile, even when it’s trading “sideways”. This new normal Is wild.
Good luck today!
+1....I coulda' sold some TOPS and SHIP today, probably should have as volitile as they are.....bumped my sell orders down a bit.
But other than that I'm letting time do the work for me with my other stocks.

After realizing just how much money I never realized by constant swing trading, I'm trying a different approach. I left half of my potential profits on the bone over the last two months = at least 50K worth.
That's lunacy on my part.
And little CDEV I'll let do what it wants, solid company. Oil will back soon enough.
OZSC ran nicely late afternoon. Drug my feet on SHIP. Had a buy order at .17 last week and got cold feet. Not going to get caught chasing again. Have a buy order for TLSS at .10 for a short hold as well
Alright, alright, I took a break and got more wood piled so I can feel good about going on my NM antelope hunting. Somehow I pulled a tag and I’m treating it like a once-in-lifetime. I’m sure I’ll never draw another one of these.

Anyway, doing research for tomorrow, I watched a video from a YouTube guy that is claiming all the retirement pension funds are about to reposition from being stock heavy and start to position into bonds. Basically a massive sell off in the next week.
While I need to do much more research on this, I thought I would pass this on. I hope bringing attention to this turns into us protecting what we’ve earned so far, if this is true.
I got a feeling that the market is hyper inflated solely for the pleasure of Mr Trump who is relying on it as a major part of his re-election campaign. They keep propping it up and retail businesses are sucking donkey dong.

I have a suspicion after being in Dallas today. The stored were empty in Highland Park where the rich ladies shop. Every business had a new door sign that the governor had ordered everyone to wear face masks in all public places. It's rebounding and they are desperately trying to tamp it down before it explodes. If it does the slinky, you can bet it’s going to drive the market into a steep sell off.

Color me a bear.
Mr Trump who is relying on it as a major part of his re-election campaign.

He's a bloody ostrich!
I always told my clients as a guide there are 2 things that don't belong in a hunting camp... that is religion and politic talk. Because everyone has vastly different views and opinions. So how about we keep this topic about the stock market instead of your personal beliefs

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What’s everyone eyeing today? Have a feeling oil is going to have another rough day.

I think so too. So I’m eyeing oil for one thing last week I upped my holdings in XOM, HLX, and I bought some GTE yesterday. May pick up some more today.

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