I think we are in a consolidation period Today and not totally Selling off, even though it feels like it. I’m treating it as a bad day.
Do you think this selloff explains the market dive today? I have watch-lists of dozens of stocks, and literally only one single stock is green.
So, I did dive deeper Into this and checked chat rooms, videos, etc...
I want this to be on peoples radar for their own education
I think there is something to this, but I caution I am nowhere near qualified to speculate on its severity***. Where, how, and when this happens seems to be from now through July? This bond repositioning is one factor in many that makes me think a correction is coming.
-Foucci yesterday testified that we are still in the FIRST wave of covid, not the second.
-Housing payments are going off the rails
(Please do not see this as a political statement, because it’s not. I’m about to state a fact which might be the biggest factor of all.)
- Trump needs to be re-elected. He has asked that his people prop up the market in any way they can. If it fails, he loses. We will be paying for this for a long time, along with all the other programs saving a complete collapse. When traders finally realize this, We are in for a ride.
I am being cautious with my positions and selling for cash where I can.
Conversely, There is still plenty of money to be made in this market and I am still playing. My approach is just not ballz out like the second half of May.