The pup just ate a patch with sweets gun cleaner on it

Cant recall where but I've read you can do two doses of the peroxide based by weight of course. Don't get carried away.

I was certain my dog ate a Gatorade lid. Two rounds of peroxidAnand still nothing. Then came a vet visit and proved it to be a tomato skin.

Second note is on the string hanging out the butt. Your better off snipping it close and letting them pass naturally. A friend did the pull out thing with fishing line and it ended up cutting the dog open from the Inside.

I'm sure a vet will chime in on here
A few years ago was out squirrel hunting and laid my coat on the ground and a few 22 shells spilled out on the coat . My lab came over and lapped them up while i was cleaning the tree rats up . Didnt seem to bother her . Labs ???
Iā€™ve lost count the number of socks Iā€™ve found in the yard while scooping poop.

-Chocolate Lab Owner
Scooping poop outside, I swear my labs insides were coming out. Weird wrinkly lining looking stuff in his turds. Hit it with the hose and turned out he was eating baby wipes. After cleaning the kiddo up from dinners, heā€™d come by the high chair and snag it. I was worried for a bit that they would plug him up but hasnā€™t happened yet.
Bumping this up, my GSP just ate a cookie wrapped in cling wrap. Should I make her vomit or will she pass it just fine?
How much peroxide are we talking for a medium sized dog? Years ago my heeler ate something......I don't remember what, but must have thought it was going to be bad..... and I tried the peroxide and he never did throw up.
They are big dogs, mine was 110# in his prime, there digestive system can handle a lot. My vet told me the biggest issue is they eat so fast they can flip there stomach. In 13 years I can't even remember half the stupid stuff that dog ate. It all came out one end or another eventually.

My Wiem almost dies last fall. I dont know what he ate but the first pile of puke had what looked like a paper towel in it. We keep the garbage in a cabinet so no clue where it came from. That started a Sunday night from hell, its always on the weekends. He puked up bile about every hour for the next 14 hours. About 10 hours in the diarrhea full of blood started. By morning he was puking blood too. Got him to the vet first thing in the morning and they kept him for 5 days giving him fluids and antibiotics. He finally ate on day 4 and I tried to bring him home but had to take him back after he started puking again. By the end of day 5 he was looking better and had eaten some so I brought him home and it was slow going for a few days but he came out of it. Very strange.
My Wiem almost dies last fall. I dont know what he ate but the first pile of puke had what looked like a paper towel in it. We keep the garbage in a cabinet so no clue where it came from. That started a Sunday night from hell, its always on the weekends. He puked up bile about every hour for the next 14 hours. About 10 hours in the diarrhea full of blood started. By morning he was puking blood too. Got him to the vet first thing in the morning and they kept him for 5 days giving him fluids and antibiotics. He finally ate on day 4 and I tried to bring him home but had to take him back after he started puking again. By the end of day 5 he was looking better and had eaten some so I brought him home and it was slow going for a few days but he came out of it. Very strange.
Sounds like the issue was what was on the paper towel not the paper towel itself...I do remember my dog passing entire paper towers, usually from swipping kids snacks from the table.
That dog was a poptart
Someone tell me how to stop my high priced Doberman from eating strange piles of crap?
I swear heā€™s like a damn meth head as soon as he spots a pile. On it before I even know what heā€™s doing.
My wife manages a veterinary hospital. I've heard countless stories of all sorts of things dogs ingest and end up having to have removed because they don't pass.
Probably the number one foreign body? Baby binkies. Dogs just love eating them
Someone tell me how to stop my high priced Doberman from eating strange piles of crap?
I swear heā€™s like a damn meth head as soon as he spots a pile. On it before I even know what heā€™s doing.
Good luck , our last Weim did it all the time , she was a female , but here is what I found -

How to Stop a Dog From Eating Poop​

Veterinarians and dog owners have seen improvements in dogs who eat poop with a few strategies, including:

  • Vitamin supplementation: Thereā€™s been a long-standing theory that dogs eat poop because they are missing something in their diets, so a dog multivitamin could be helpful. Vitamin-B deficiency, in particular, has been a prime suspect, and studies have backed this up. In 1981, scientists showed fecal microbial activity synthesized thiamine, a B-vitamin. Other research found other missing nutrients.
  • Enzyme supplementation: The modern canine diet is higher in carbohydrates and lower in meat-based proteins and fats than the canine ancestral diet. Some people have had success with supplements for dogs that contain papain, an enzyme that aids digestion.
  • Taste-aversion products: The theory is that certain tastes and smells are as disgusting to dogs as the idea of stool eating is to us, so adding a poop-eating deterrent to food or treats will make the poop thatā€™s being produced less appealing. Many of these products contain monosodium glutamate, chamomile, pepper-plant derivatives, yucca, garlic, and parsley. Just remember to treat all the dogs in a multi-dog household if thereā€™s a poop-eating problem! Some owners will also use a bitter-tasting spray to make poop taste worse.
Perhaps the best way to stop the problem is through training and environmental management methods, including:

  • Have all the right equipment for feeding, training, and walking your dog.
  • Keep the dogā€™s living area clean, including the yard, so there will be no piles of poop for him to eat.
  • Cat owners should keep the litter box clean or out of the dogā€™s reach.
  • Supervise your dog on walks, and pick up their poop immediately.
  • Training. Work hard on the cues ā€œleave itā€ and ā€œcome.ā€ One simple exercise is to teach your dog to come to you for a food treat as soon as he has pooped. That way, the dog will develop a habit of paying attention to you for a tasty tidbit, instead of turning toward the revolting one on the ground.
Someone tell me how to stop my high priced Doberman from eating strange piles of crap?
I swear heā€™s like a damn meth head as soon as he spots a pile. On it before I even know what heā€™s doing.
Man. I'd say it's a phase but you'll probably tell me the dogs 5. My pup would do it with deer poop for several months. Some dogs just do that. A friend's rott would catch it hot off the press from their beagle.. never even hit the ground.

Could it be some nutrional defecit they have? Hopefully science can help us out here.