Well.... I have the WINNERS! Thank you so much for the donations ppl! Proud to be here. So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to post a list and it's like a prize table. Everyone chooses their prize from the top down based on the order they were drawn!
Drumroll please......
Brian Rogers
Jeff Cordisco
Chip Bell
David Linton
Vincent Cebuhar
Jay Clark
Brian Cowger
David Baumann
Duane Burrows
Colton Nethers
Wesley Jackson
Coryell Kock
Scott Page
Cole Wilson
Bryan Cox
Carol Brown
Garry Laboucan
Roman Gamueda
Dempsy Chappell
JT Larkin
Here's a refreshed text list of our prizes you can choose from that I just went over the thread, the item is listed followed by who you need to contact or who donated it. Hope I didn't miss anything!
AR15- HellsCanyon (Myself)
Rokslide Kill Kit donated by Mark
Ranger 1000 donated by Hardstalk
slik bag - dotman
$50 Kifaru card - Jtelarkin
Tarp Tent Squal 2 by Vandal44
Spot Hogg Hogg-It bow site: AitchAr
Slik 624 Tripod - Craig
Ph-111V head - Craig
FHF GPS Pouch - Craig
Slingshot lumbar pack - mt100gr
Rocket/Trophy Ridge 100 grain BH's, Lumenoks : Tri2Hunt
6 Vortex Hats - Hardstalk
Custom Spotting Scope Case - Stid2677
Elk Calling Kit by Wapiti river Outdoors (Husky390?)
Ya'll got until next Monday to claim your prize! I'm late to start packing for my elk hunt I leave tomorrow for so I gotta run.
For whoever claims the AR, you'll need to get an email copy of an FFL to me at [email protected] and I'll get it shipped out next week!
Dempsy Chappell checking in. Thanks again Mike for everything you're doing for the family. My name is way down that list but I graciously accept whatever item is there when it gets to me.
Trying to cross reference the winners names to their Rokslide username so we can wrap this up. I realize a lot of people may be hunting so this could take some time.
If you're on this list, please post up and provide your username and cross reference your name on the list.
If you know anyone on the list, please PM me their username.