Rokslide community

Welcome to Rokslide. Glad to have you.

Like any other new place, often it takes a bit to get used to the specific nuances of the culture. This is a solid rebound post and there was no long term harm done. You'll do fine here.

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That was a well done mea culpa.

I’d enjoy hearing about your hunts and preparations. I do not want to be force fed it. I’m always looking for little tidbits to improve myself and my outdoor experiences.

Showing my advanced age here but does your handle have anything to do with Van Halen?
Yessir. Huge Van Halen fan. Primus too. Thanks for taking a minute. Heard on the force feeding part.
Happy to see this thread. This is an absolutely wonderful place to learn and there’s some great guys to learn from. You’re welcome at my table anytime amigo 💪🏽
This is actually really impressive if it’s genuine, which it seems to be.

Welcome to the community, I’d like to hear the full story of the sheep hunt.

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