The New Leupold Mark 4HD?

Shoot a second set of 10 then and see what happens.
It might be useful to do that but by doing so it very possibly negates the question of did the zero move while bouncing around in the truck? Additional shots have a tendency to return the optic to zero which leaves you questioning was it really off on that 11th shot? I bring this all up because I’ve been there and doubted this very scenario. In some cases it has proven out that the optic does not hold zero bouncing around in the truck.
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It might be useful to do that but by doing so it very possibly negates the question of did the zero move while bouncing around in the truck? Additional shots have a tendency to return the optic to zero.
Agreed, but if you do it a few times and that first shot always seems to be a little stray, it might be something to take note of.
Which comes back to, how many people in this thread actually shoot enough to test and do just what we discussed here? I’ll bet not a very high percentage.
Which comes back to, how many people in this thread actually shoot enough to test and do just what we discussed here? I’ll bet not a very high percentage.
The percentage in this thread is almost certainly higher than the general population of shooters though
I’m a bit confused by this post. So you acknowledge that Swaro scopes can’t hold zero based on your experience… but you argue against the folks who are saying from experience (and evidenced by drop test) that Leupold’s don’t hold zero?
I acknowledge from personal experience that I had a SwaroA scope that failed miserably, and my hunting buddy had 2 of them do the same thing. My opinion is they are subpar based on actual experience, not some internet drop test. Much the same for the other brands that fail this same test but mine have been great (Arken, Athlon, a couple diff Leupy's) I trust my personal experience always.
I acknowledge from personal experience that I had a SwaroA scope that failed miserably, and my hunting buddy had 2 of them do the same thing. My opinion is they are subpar based on actual experience, not some internet drop test. Much the same for the other brands that fail this same test but mine have been great (Arken, Athlon, a couple diff Leupy's) I trust my personal experience always.
And others trust their own experiences, much of what aligns with the drop test. But yet you’re frequently trying to invalidate or minimize others’ experiences. It just seems hypocritical.
And there's an awful lot of experience out there that does not agree with this drop test as well.

I take personal experience over anything anyone else says, period, and I expect everyone would feel the same. I'm not going to stop using what I'm using until it quits doing it's job just because some guy on the internet bounced his scoped rifle off the ground from 36". I'm one of those that does shoot quite a bit, and hunts a heckuvalot.
Knowing that your rifle system will maintain zero during normal use and handling is far, far, far more important than the drop test. Losing zero from getting thrown in a truck or bounced off a fencepost is pretty unacceptable. Losing zero because you dropped your rifle 24+" onto a hard surface is very different - it doesn't matter if "your" scope passed, or failed, the drop test - if you drop it, you can't trust it until you check zero. For this reason I trust the general acceptance of an optic within competitive shooting circles far more than I trust it based on it passing a drop test. If it won't stand up to general handling it doesn't see common use in series like PRS. But a lot of really excellent scopes get nixed due to failling the drop test. My contention there is that - if you have to confirm zero anyways - then it doesn't matter if it passed/failed the drop test, so long as it does stand up to general use.
I hesitated for fear of a Rick Roll, but that's hilarious. I need to change mine soon, so you have encouraged me to be more creative. And I think that coyote was drunk - so it was an accurate job.
I had never looked before today, but the rest of that site where it says "Plenty more at Leeks" looks to be VERY unsafe for work, so tread carefully.
I had never looked before today, but the rest of that site where it says "Plenty more at Leeks" looks to be VERY unsafe for work, so tread carefully.
Thanks for the warning. But what makes you think I do this AT work? I have two computers at the house and I'm very careful to only waste time on the personal one. :cool: