I didn't really rifle hunt much until my boys started drawing youth tags. My dad always had Leupold scopes on his rifles, and since they are a home state company with a good warranty reputation I put a couple on the rifles my boys would shoot.
I was on a youth bear hunt with my oldest son when he got his feet tangled up and fell resulting in the rifle barrel impacting a rock. I didn't really have enough rifle hunting experience to know that the impact might affect the scope - I was mostly pissed about the scarred rifle barrel.
The next day, my son had a 175 yard shot at a bear. After the shot, the bear lunged forward about 3 feet then laid motionless on the ground. I thought the bear was dead, but 30 seconds later he was up and ran downhill into a creek drainage and out of sight. I found his tracks, but didn't find any blood. The reaction really looked like a hit, but the lack of blood was puzzling. What was even more puzzling was how could my son miss at 175 yards...
The next day I decided to check the rifle and found at 100 yards it was 9" high and 9" right. I'm pretty sure he hit the bear...