The 'New' generation and the 'Web o Net'


Mar 14, 2016
North Idaho
To me, the biggest thing is lots of millennials act like everything they do is so important. So many teens have twitter, instagram, etc and they post everything. Eating pizza, hanging out at the football game, shot two ducks, whatever. There is this sense of self importance that the world needs to know about these things, and that is creates some sort of credibility you do t have unless you do the same and have more "followers".

This happens with hunting/fishing. A young guy climbs a mountain a couple seasons in a row and kills a nice buck. Everything is posted about that from the drive to the trailhead, to the spike camp, to the bloody arrow to the hero shot, to the pack out etc. Which is great. But then when some old timer gives advice to someone else or something on a forum that young guy acts like an expert and will call the old guy out since he can't find any pics he posted or because he's not on three promotional staffs, even though said old timer has been up that mountain more times that the kid is years old, and has more bone sitting in the corner of his shed than the kid will ever tag.

I am no old timer (34) but I grew up without a cell phone or internet until I was 18 and 20 respectively, and was never on a forum until probably 2006. I consider myself the end of generation x, and not a millennial. Growing up with all this media makes the sense of self very different than those who didn't have it as kids IMO.