The holy grail from Sitka......


Mar 27, 2022
Went to the Sitka Atlanta store grand opening and got a swag bag with the usual stuff: stickers, hat, coozies, keychain, etc. I didn't know what this plastic case was for so I posted it and had over a hundred people tell me it's a Pop-Tart case. Probably some of you. Funniest thing is I've had over 40 offers to buy it. Apparently it's the holy grail. Silly wabbits.20240226_132134~2.jpg
Hard shell or soft? I don’t think the hard shell goes in without breakage.

Point of clarification - what’s the difference between a soft taco sandwich and a burrito sandwich?

Second point of clarification - I’m referring to the gas station sandwich protectors, not the OPs empanada holder.