The greatest cheap gun you've ever owned?


Jan 7, 2021
What's the greatest cheap gun you've ever owned?

I bought a Ruger 10/22 1995ish. Still have it, never had to fix anything on it and it's shot thousands and thousands of rounds.

Second would be a Mossberg 500, bought in early 2000's. It's been on the bottom of the river and everywhere in-between, still shoots great.
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Youth Remington 870 with a shortened LOP Hogue stock. Got it for field trials/hunt test stuff for the kiddo. She used it on several pheasant, doves, and a ton of duck hunts and its been in the water a bunch, killed her first turkey with it. Its length is so handy, I use it for coyotes up close when I can. I think I paid $300 for it.
Had a ruger 10/22. My grandfather bought it for me when I was a kid. Probably not but a few years after they came out. Same scenario, shot bricks and bricks through it. When it got super gummed up once I cleaned it with break cleaner, put some oil on it, and went back to shooting.

Lost that gun in a house fire. That one and all the other fireman’s I grew up shooting that were either my grandpas or my dads. Of everything that got destroyed in that fire, those firearms were the hardest loss.

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.22 chipmunk that was first ever gun from my parents. Still have the most rounds through that short and stubby bolt action of any other gun I own.
At one point, I walked into Walmart and they had marked every gun down to $59. Picked up a Ruger American and a Weatherby 243.

The Weatherby had been great
I ran into a similar deal at the Walmart in Carrizo Springs, Texas but my license was expired. I ran home to get my birth certificate but when I got back they were sold. I think I scared the poor lady in sporting goods with some F bombs but the gals are pretty tough down here.
J.C. Higgins 12 ga. pump. Couldn't miss with it. Would still have it, but lost the piece that holds the shells in the magazine tube and couldn't get it replaced.
I’m pretty sure the Ruger 10/22 came out in the 60s.

For me I’ve had a few. The Ruger 10/22 has slayed thousands of whistle pigs and jack rabbits, cans, rocks, and everything else

I also have a New England Firearms single shot 20ga that I got for my 14th birthday. I think they were $100 or less at the time. I shot a ton of clay pigeons and hundreds of ducks and pheasants with that thing. It was great.
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The best one for me is a Marlin 336 in 30-30. Yes, they used to be cheap surprisingly not that long ago.

That gun has killed a lot of animals.
Savage 110 tactical in 308. Sure, the firing pin doesn’t always discharge a primer, but when it does all the bullets tend to end up in the same hole. And it will hold zero.
I’m pretty sure the Ruger 10/22 came out in the 60s.

For me I’ve had a few. The Ruger 10/22 has slayed thousands of whistle pigs and jack rabbits, cans, rocks, and everything else

I also have a New England Firearms single shot 20ga that I got for my 14th birthday. I think they were $100 or less at the time. I shot a ton of clay pidgins and hundreds of ducks and pheasants with that thing. It was great.

Geesh, your right. I grew up in a little town in the middle of no where and I just remember the guy at the gun counter telling us they were new about a year ago and were the greatest .22 ever made. Maybe it took that long to finally get one to where we lived, Lol! Or he didn't know what the hell he was talking about, I sure didn't know any better at the time for sure.
a Mossberg bolt action that i found. while rabbit hunting as a youth i was jumping on a brush pile to run out a rabbit and this rifle barrel stuck out. it shot very well.

next would be my 300 win mag that i gave a neighbor 240 bucks for because it had a bad trigger. it was all gummed up with dried oil. i took it apart and soaked it in diesel for a week. after wiping each piece i put it back together.
Geesh, your right. I grew up in a little town in the middle of no where and I just remember the guy at the gun counter telling us they were new about a year ago and were the greatest .22 ever made. Maybe it took that long to finally get one to where we lived, Lol! Or he didn't know what the hell he was talking about, I sure didn't know any better at the time for sure.
Haha even if the pony express didn’t make it to your area very often those 10/22’s are something I feel like everyone should have. Simple, accurate, and easy on the wallet
My dad bought me a used a beat up Mod 788 Rem chambered in .243 win back in 86. We refinished the stock / barreled action and it's been a great shooter since.

I put a 4-12 Vari-X II on it about 10 years ago and still shoot it from time to time. It shoots Fed premium with the 85 grain SGK's to a .5-.7 avg. I've often thought of hand loading for it but never added it to the list of those I want to load for. More than once I've thought about re-barreling it but never have.
Savage model 12fv in 223. On sale from Cabelas for like 300 bucks. One of the most accurate rifles I’ve ever owned.

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