The dumbest sh!t hunters say...

I see this far too often. It might be lack of knowledge more than stupidity but it still drives me nuts - A newish hunter in whatever group, be it Facebook or any hunting forum, asking if he should go with a 6.5cm or 300 win mag for elk. It’s always those two choices! Like they’re so close in performance that it’s tough to choose. Drives me nuts. Oh, also, when people just say, ok, what SiX FiVe are you talking about?
if i ever say harvest seriously in reference to killing something, i want to be held accountable... if i do, i will film myself stun gun myself in the neck, or having my wife kick me in the nuts from behind... i'll deserve it
Harvest is a correct way to describe killing an animal for use. See my earlier post for the OED definition. Even the WGFD uses the term in reference to killing an animal. It’s not something new that was invented to appease hippies.


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👆 🤣
This fall…
I’m going out to my garden to kill some peppers. Maybe I’ll smoke their asses.
Bro hugs and manbuns all round. Hoist those gluten free micro brews… Let your 6.5 creed pride show bros!
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"Harvest" really grinds my gears. You killed it, plain and simple. Don't lessen the act.
Yeah, but here in SoCal... it's just more wise to say "Harvest" when in mixed company.

It kinda like pre-sends the message to the other party that yes you use all parts of the deer, and that no, you're not what THEIR idea of a "Trophy Hunter" is... and it shuts them up and prevents them from piping up to virtue-signal and get annoying.

Because everybody else, here, who isn't a Hunter thinks "Trophy Hunting" means taking the animal just to make a mount out of them, and that you leave everything else behind in the field. I don't know where this started from, but that IS their misconception out here.
Were Bow Bucks born that way?
Can a rifle buck identify as a bow buck?
What happens if I shoot a bow buck with my muzzleloader?
So many questions.
OMG.. BUAHAHAHAAA...!!! Don't know why but man that line "Can a rifle buck identify as a bow buck?"just had me crackin' up!
^^^ But you still have to ‘kill’ it before you ‘harvest’ it
OH I know. But it's like... I'm kind of used to having to use subdued verbiage around here. Like I'm died-in-the-wool Pro-2A, so I'll use every opportunity I can to try to help change the thinking of some stupid ninny that's all scared of guns. But you know... you have to be cognizant of your word choice because first off all these fools fall for that "Assault Weapon" BS terminology. So I have to always choose words that have the right positive connotations to them, so the dumba$$es shut up for two seconds and don't go off on tangents parroting useless talking points.

I'll be the first to tell you I do this, hunting, specifically because I yearn for the killing part. For me it helps vent frustrations over things that are beyond my control in my life. Because what is the kill? It's you.. performing the ultimate exertion of your Will over something else. And I'd be lying if I said that doesn't feel good.

So when your life can get to feeling much more like the opposite of that... the successful take of an animal does just soo much for improving my overall outlook.
OH I know. But it's like... I'm kind of used to having to use subdued verbiage around here. Like I'm died-in-the-wool Pro-2A, so I'll use every opportunity I can to try to help change the thinking of some stupid ninny that's all scared of guns. But you know... you have to be cognizant of your word choice because first off all these fools fall for that "Assault Weapon" BS terminology. So I have to always choose words that have the right positive connotations to them, so the dumba$$es shut up for two seconds and don't go off on tangents parroting useless talking points.

I'll be the first to tell you I do this, hunting, specifically because I yearn for the killing part. For me it helps vent frustrations over things that are beyond my control in my life. Because what is the kill? It's you.. performing the ultimate exertion of your Will over something else. And I'd be lying if I said that doesn't feel good.

So when your life can get to feeling much more like the opposite of that... the successful take of an animal does just soo much for improving my overall outlook.

I appreciate what you’re saying. I live in San Diego and know what you mean. Especially when I see these people go off on tangents about how “wonderful all of these coyotes are” and that “this land was THEIR land first” and “we are the parasite!”

My thoughts that I don’t speak: If that’s how you feel, then leave!!! But actually stay here so you don’t continue to ruin other states. In reality the best deal would be for you to move to some other country.

Rolling my eyes…
Due to the abundance of snowflakes' hyper sensitivities, I'm going to start to use the following...

I annihilated him
I assassinated him
I bumped off him
I did away with him
I dispatched him
I eliiminated him
I eradicated him
I executed him
I exinguished him
I exterminated him
I extirpated him
I finished him
I immolated him
I knocked off him
I liquidated him
I massacred him
I murdered him
I neutralized him
I polished off him
I put him to death
I rubbed out him
I sacrificed him
I slaughtered him
I slayed him
I snuffed out him
I took out him
Using the term “snowflake”
I was telling a slightly younger dude at work about the Shellback ceremony on naval ships. He said something along the line of “no way they do that now, those snowflakes couldn’t handle it”. To which I replied “Yes, they do. And you don’t rate to call anyone serving a “snowflake”. You never served and are out here making $50/hour while some “snowflake” is somewhere sitting in a hole in the ground making almost no money so you can live the good life”

The term just gets overused and often without thought. In my experience, the people that tend to use it the most are those that like to imagine themselves as “rugged individualist” yet they “melt” when someone disagrees with them.
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Using the term “snowflake”
I was telling a slightly younger dude at work about the Shellback ceremony on naval ships. He said something along the line of “no way they do that now, those snowflakes couldn’t handle it”. To which I replied “Yes, they do. And you don’t rate to call anyone serving a “snowflake”. You never served and are out here making $50/hour while some “snowflake” is somewhere sitting in a hole in the ground making almost no money so you can live the good life”

The term just gets overused and often without thought. In my experience, the people that tend to use it the most are those that like to imagine themselves as “rugged individualist” yet they “melt” when someone disagrees with them.
Thanks for the long winded diss.
I am going to stick with harvesting animals. After all, when fruit and veggies are harvested, the anti's never consider what the land those crops were like before everything being plowed over, sprayed with pesticides, the life killed, the lives displaces, the permanent habitat changes ... Nope, they consider growing food as a green product that is pure. I say naw, hunting and HARVESTING animals is much much purer that farming, even if that farming is uses no pesticides... Farming is simply a destructive practice.
Thanks for the long winded diss.
You are welcome. Thanks for not flaking out 🤣
It wasn’t really directed at you, but your use of the term reminded me of a lot of hunters I’ve met that throw that around like it’s the first time it’s been said. No offense meant.
I guess I’m old and soft. Too old to switch over to politically correct words like harvest. But I also don’t use sayings like “I smoked his ass” either. Nothing against it. Nothing wrong with a hunter getting fired up and using phrases from his generation.

But old and soft also means respectful. I do not hunt anything I won’t eat. I do fill my freezer every year with elk and if I am down to 2 days left in my hunt and I can’t find a big bull I will shift gears to “grocery shopping” for smaller ones.

I’m all about the fun of hunting but I also see it as a way of life. A passion. But I think think there are other benefits besides meat and memories. It builds character. It teaches patience. It teaches us to get our asses out of bed on time if we expect to get anything done. It shows us that nothing is free and you have to work for what you want.

It also keeps us from losing touch with our animal instincts.

Ok now I’ll shift gears too…. That’s why the anti hunting pussies have no Fn clue about realities of life and the world. That’s why they think life should be nothing but a bowl of cherries beside a cup of Starbucks coffee and that we can have a world where nothing should offend anyone ever. They sit there eating a steak and bitch about us doing our own killing.

That’s all fine and frickin dandy but they also want to control or eliminate our way of life and that’s where I draw the line.

I kill shit but I still feel bad for the deer when we get ice storms and it’s sub zero out. I feel bad when I see a road killed doe. But if we had an open season on anti hunters I’d be the first one to punch my tag and show you a video where I said “Booyah I smoked his ass boys. Now off the the animal shelter to donate some meat!” Lmao

Am I an angry hunter? Sometimes. Lol
Love it!!! 👊🏻