We can agree to disagree. This is a thread about what caliber rifle people would pick as their forever rifle. You came in here and insinuated people saying .308 were idiots, one of the reasons being that it doesn't have enough energy. You are the one who started a problem here. You are the one who with a strong position on something you don't understand.
In regards to energy mattering in terminal performance, your going to have a very busy Monday. You will have Call Gunwerks and Best of the West when they open and let them know they are doing long range hunting wrong. Im sure they will want to hear from you since you clearly know better than them...
After that, give Hornady and Berger a call and let them know they don't understand how bullets work and need to redesign their entire product line.
After that go listen to the Shoot2Hunt podcast episode "FF Episode 3- Bullet Energy is Irrelevent" so you can get a good laugh about how the articulate explanation about how energy doesn't matter is clearly wrong.
"You're done bro!"
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