The 6UM

I wish this was based off the PRC brass. Relying on ADG saum brass is like relying on the Bengals to win the superbowl. I do also realize there is the prc primal also though.

If you want a short barrel the 6.5 SAUM case is the way.

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Probably sell prefits pretty quickly, at least for a first run. I'm starting either one of these or an SST in the next month or so, a prefit would make that an easy decision.

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KRG got back to me immediately. They’re playing with the idea of lightening the Bravo. It’ll come with a price increase. Please e mail them if interested and hopefully the momentum will continue.
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A small ten year old girl used the 6UM on a
Cow elk. The shot was 350 yards. The elk was broadside the shot was through the lower third of the lungs the exit was dramatic. The 6UMs biggest attribute might be the lack of recoil for a round with this much pop.




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Ryan, I’m guessing the low recoil is relative given what 78 grains from above. In another words more felt recoil than a 6.5 creed?
Ryan, I’m guessing the low recoil is relative given what 78 grains from above. In another words more felt recoil than a 6.5 creed?
Seventy-five grains of water weight. I would say it's very similar to a 6.5 CM with a 147 ELD-M.