Hey all, just found this thread and am exploring smaller caliber bullets for use on big game. Trying to decide what to build for mule deer and elk hunting out west. I hope these questions are taken in good faith, I am new to all this and trying to be open and learn from those with experience.
1. Any downside to a shorter barrel besides FPS loss? I plan on shooting with a suppressor, but does a shorter barrel have problems stabilizing heavier for caliber bullets like the 88 ELD-M’s?
- I saw one posted mentioned that shorter barrels are louder. Should this be a factor when selecting barrel length or is it just a small increase?
2. Will a 1:7 twist rate still allow me to shoot the lighter bullets out of the 22 CM or cause problems? Is there any downside to going with a 1:7 twist vs a 1:8?
- What twist are you using on your 223 to shoot the 77 TMK's?
3. Does a hot rod like the 22 CM still burn barrels if the shorter barrel does not allow it to get to those higher speeds (16" barrel shooting at 2900 vs 24" shooting 3400+)?
4. I see the question asked a lot, but haven’t really seen an answer, what would you anticipate as the average barrel life of the 22 CM compared to the 223 shooting the same bullet (77 TMK’s or 80 ELD-X for example)?
5. Does the higher speed of the 22 CM cause too much damage? I like how flat the 22 CM shoots, but I am concerned about it being “too fast” and destroying more meat than needed. Some of the pictures I have seen are eye opening destruction with baseball-basketball sized chunks missing. I am trying to find that balance between killing them as quickly as possible while minimizing meat loss.
- Does the 223 cause just as much meat damage as the 22 CM or does the lower velocity help it not overly destroy tissue?
- If I am on a once in a lifetime hunt, how or what do I do to preserve the hide for taxidermy purposes without sacrificing terminal performance?
- Would there be better cartridge or bullet I should be considering that balances killing quickly and meat preservation?
6. Would you consider it a high maintenance cartridge (lot of cleaning?)
7. One of my local gunsmiths uses a lot of Proof Research carbon wrapped barrel blanks. I have never owned one, should I consider using one or stick with standard steel?
8. Why would you pick the 22 CM over the 223 or other cartridges?