The 22 creedmoor thread

My dad’s tikka in 22-250 that we had chambered to 22cm hated the 88’s. I’m talking 3”-5” groups. Shot the 80 eldm about 2”, and the 80 eldx slightly better. Tried h4350 and 6.5 Staball.

Loaded 5 with 77 tmk’s and 6.5 Staball just shy of 1/2”. Going to load 15-20 more and retest and then off to the races if it holds up.
The one I am shooting now is the same, except it won’t shoot the 80gr X or M. 77gr TMK’s are good.
I have some large groups with 80gr eldm out of my new barrel.
Form, would you mind listing out the negatives of carbon compared to steel? Don’t think I’ve seen you post about it before but know Rokslide generally sides with you on that.

Lightest possible option is heavier, way higher chance of getting a bum barrel, overall tend to be more finicky with precision, they insulate and cook the chamber*, much more expensive.
I’m also curious. I had a tikka rechambered a year ago and I have no idea on the free bore specs. I shoot 75 ELDM at 2.63 COAL with no issues. I haven’t tried shooting anything else. Essentially a longer freebore/throat allows you to seat bullets out longer before reaching the lands? Am I understanding that correctly?
Anyone able to explain my freebore question?
Anyone able to explain my freebore question?
Guys will target a certain freebore to maximize case space (not an issue with most common powders for 22 creed) and to keep the bottom of the beating surface of the bullet out of the area at the bottom of the neck where doughnuts can form during repeated firing and sizing.

Plenty of chambers fire bullets with the bullet deeper in the case and do just fine, maybe not totally ideal, but 6.5 creedmoor is a good example, most factory loadings put that boat tail junction way down the case.

In extreme cases you may not be able to fire certain bullets due to length. Hence why people will adjust freebore to the length of bullet or specific bullet they want to shoot.

Fwiw if your rifle is shooting well and your happy shooting 75 eldm just keep on shooting and don’t worry.
Guys will target a certain freebore to maximize case space (not an issue with most common powders for 22 creed) and to keep the bottom of the beating surface of the bullet out of the area at the bottom of the neck where doughnuts can form during repeated firing and sizing.

Plenty of chambers fire bullets with the bullet deeper in the case and do just fine, maybe not totally ideal, but 6.5 creedmoor is a good example, most factory loadings put that boat tail junction way down the case.

In extreme cases you may not be able to fire certain bullets due to length. Hence why people will adjust freebore to the length of bullet or specific bullet they want to shoot.

Fwiw if your rifle is shooting well and your happy shooting 75 eldm just keep on shooting and don’t worry.
Thanks for the info. I just started reloading and my gun is shooting too good with that depth to move it. My max coal with Hornady gauge is 2.684. Not going to chase lands with a barrel burner like that anyway.
200lb boar at 245yds
18” bbl 80Eldm @2950fps MV
Impact vel. 2478fps

He was facing away from me slightly to left. Put it on the 2cd to last rib and shot. He ran off in the brush. There was good blood on the ground right where he was shot and a good blood trail I followed 100yds in the brush were he was laying. Bullet entered in the back ribs and went up in the vitals. Didn’t exit but the entrance was bleeding heavily.
Finally got my new 22 creed to the range. It’s got an Ace light Palma cut at 17”. Loaded some H1000 and 4831sc with the 88 Elds. Loaded the h1000 to 44 grains and 4831sc to 43 grains. Shot the h1000 first and it topped out at about 2810 fps with good accuracy. 4831sc topped out at about 3000 fps also with good accuracy. Neither one showed pressure signs. I’ll just roll with the 4831sc as I was running out of capacity with the H1000. Here’s a pic of the 10 shot group with the 4831sc. 2 rounds at 5 different charge weights

If I haven't screwed up too badly in Gordon's Reloading Tool, here's what I'm seeing as the best potential powders to use for 77 Sierra TMK's, 80 ELD-M/ELD-X, and 88 ELD-M's out of a 16" barrel. No compressed loads, under 62K pressure, and 100% burn rate.

TL;DR: N150, N540, N550, RL15, RL16, IMR 4198, Varget, H335, CFE223,
*IMR 4350 got missed in picture, but is also viable.

H4350 and N555 would probably also be good options in a bit longer barrel (18-20").

Has anyone had any 77TMK blow up at 3175 FPS out of a 7twist ?

Trying to work up a 77 LRX load but so far it's been less than stellar accuracy.
8tw is below 300K RPM
7TW is slightly above at 326K. It’s a bit of a danger zone with non minos. I know the Hornady eld-m tend to blow up near 300K but I’ve heard the Sierras are a bit better, especially the TGK. Not sure about the TMK

Out of curiosity, what’s your chamber freebore and how long do you load your 77TMK ?
Well folks. I can’t remember who all wanted brass but I have a bunch. 50 pieces of once fired Peterson are heading to @Steve O tomorrow.

I can get more out when I’m in town at the shipping store.

I have around 100 once fired Hornady I’m staring at that I could get out tomorrow, and likely have a bunch more laying around. Increments of 20 and let me know, first PMs get it.

I’ll have another 50 once fired Peterson ready to roll on Saturday just need to find where I put them.
Is anyone running factory Hornady 80gr eldX or eldm ammo in this thread? Curious how the accuracy is in your given barrel length, and if you know the freebore your chamber has. My cousin is about to have a brand new 8tw 22-250 Tikka set back and opened up to 22cm. There are a lot of different freebores out there. I would imagine that Hornady ammo is designed to function in the saami spec 0.081fb that Hornady submitted.
Is anyone running factory Hornady 80gr eldX or eldm ammo in this thread? Curious how the accuracy is in your given barrel length, and if you know the freebore your chamber has. My cousin is about to have a brand new 8tw 22-250 Tikka set back and opened up to 22cm. There are a lot of different freebores out there. I would imagine that Hornady ammo is designed to function in the saami spec 0.081fb that Hornady submitted.
Yes. 19” factory 8 twist stainless Tikka barrel. Rechambered at saami spec. Shoulder added and threaded 5/8”.

So far it has really liked two factory lots and it did not like one factory lot.

The two factory lots that it likes averaged 1.2 MOA with 10-30 round groups at 100 yards.

The one factory lot that it didn’t like was closer to 2 MOA with 10-30 round groups at 100 yards.
Is anyone running factory Hornady 80gr eldX or eldm ammo in this thread? Curious how the accuracy is in your given barrel length, and if you know the freebore your chamber has. My cousin is about to have a brand new 8tw 22-250 Tikka set back and opened up to 22cm. There are a lot of different freebores out there. I would imagine that Hornady ammo is designed to function in the saami spec 0.081fb that Hornady submitted.
Yes I am, 20” 8 twist Bartlien and it likes the factory 80 grain eldx. It shoots under 1 MOA if I do my part. I have only shot two different lots of ammo but I haven’t been able to see the difference between lots.

ETA: chambered for saami spec
Put a 75gr ELDM in a big boars ear hole at 50 yards today and he never even made a sound. Didn’t weight him but I’m about 215 lbs and I could not budge him by myself more than a few inches with a rope tied around a leg. Called in the cavalry and 3 of us got him loaded up along with some grown sows and a piglet a buddy shot with a 223 shooting 70gr TTSX’s.

