The 117th session of the US Congress

HR 127 - Sabika Sheikh Firearm Licensing and registration act.
To provide for the licensing of firearm and ammunition possession and the registration of firearms, and to prohibit the possession of certain ammunition.

Here is the summary:
- You cannot posses a firearm or ammo with the license.
- License fee is $800
- License is good for 3 years.
- All owners must supply the following to the ATF: firearm make, model, ser #, identity of owner, date of acquisition, where it will be stored, and a notice specifying any other person who may be loaned the firearm.
- All of the above will be stored in a database that is accessible to all members of the public.
- Licensing to posses requirements shall be: 21 years of age or more, background check, psychological evaluation, completes training course (24 hours minimum instruction time), must purchase an insurance policy.
- The psych eval may include: interview of past and present spouses, children and others.
- The insurance must be a policy that insures the person against liability for losses and damages resulting from the use of any firearm by the person during the 1-year period that begins with the date the policy is issued.
- It classifies "military style weapons" I'll summarize by saying anything semiautomatic.

- 0.50 caliber of greater is prohibited
- No ammunition feeding devices of more than 10 rounds.

Mandatory minimums on these are 10 years in prison.

Are we ready to fight????
This won't pass but every person running for office should be asked to say yes or no on the record if they would ever consider voting for any of these provisions. The press is corrupt so it would be up to the candidates or constituents.
This won't pass but every person running for office should be asked to say yes or no on the record if they would ever consider voting for any of these provisions. The press is corrupt so it would be up to the candidates or constituents.

It would be real interesting to see who would vote for any of this if they had to be on record.

This won't pass and no way in hell would I register my weapons or have it be out there for everyone to see. Just ridiculous.
Don’t worry guys it won’t pass, and even if it did, this “wouldn’t affect” half the Fudds on Rockslide
Janis Putelis and the rest of the meateater FUDDS are loving this sh1t!

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Text is now available on HR 130 - To require the safe storage of firearms and ammunition, and to require the investigation of reports of improper storage of firearms or ammunition.

Here's the breakdown:
- You can't have a gun in your home if you have minors. Unless it/ they are secured, unloaded, and separately, in a safe certified by the Attorney General, and locked with a trigger lock certified by the Attorney General.
- $5000 fine for non compliance.
- If found guilty, the AG will store the firearms at the owners expense.
- The AG will be the sole party in determining which safe is "safe."
It’s really easy to want to tune out right now, however it is very important to stay informed and do your part by voting and reaching out to your elected officials.

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Shit expect. The effects of climate change on women?
That is, by definition, sexist.

These people are power-hungry lunatics.
I'd like to see a mass effort/refusal to pay taxes. They want to label good Americans 'terroriists,' we boycott taxes en mass.
Here's a new one...

H.R.880 - To amend the Consumer Product Safety Act to remove the exclusion of pistols, revolvers, and other firearms from the definition of consumer product in order to permit the issuance of safety standards for such articles by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.​

Brought to the congress by Kelly Robin (D) of Illinois.

We cannot stick our heads in the sand any longer as together we are a force To be reckoned with.

Its never been More important to be a member of a hunters rights and guns rights organization like SCI, NRA
