- Joined
- Feb 24, 2016
Greedy people.
CorrectSame. I've listened to his podcast for about 6 years now, but I can't stand when he talks about hunting. His view is a little distorted since his only hunting experiences come from disneyland-like ranches.
The future of big game hunting does not bode well in Washington and Oregon because politics are now trumping solid scientific game managementGame commissions, ballot initiatives, etc will eliminate hunting long before lack of habitat and wolves kill all the elk and deer. Those game commissions get stacked with Anti's and the ballot initiatives get voted in favor of because of what happens on the internet. Zero question about that.
Its funny when Rogan discusses his cringe celebrity elk hunting on private high end games ranches with unpressured elk.. Enjoy some of his non hunting pod castsI like his non hunting podcasts but hate when he does this shit, meanwhile he goes to hunt the tejone ranch for elk.
edit… been in very REMOTE places,
No woke and liberals aint got nothing to do with it. Stop passively believing what some talking head in NYC is telling you and start thinking for your self.
billionaires are inventing these wedge issues to keep people distracted while they consume everything.
Christ, how many gender changing people you ever encountered?? What have they ever done to you and why NOW is this suddenly an issue?
Answer: it’s an effective BS wedge issue. it’s mentioned every day on media because someone is distracting us from REAL issues.
You see it in transfer of BLM lands to states. States do not have the budget to maintain large tracts of land. The super wealthy know this and intend to use this as a way to buy them, lease them and otherwise lock these lands away from the common man..
You see access to existing PUBLIC BLM lands (and trout streams) being taken away, effectively conserving all the wild game for those wealthy enough to own the surrounding land.
off-point, but still important: BLM land goes across state borders, animals need these large contiguous areas to even survive. I also hear the Wyoming governor is putting different development in the way of an ancient Pronghorn migration path, that’s been used for a millennia.
You keep being distracted, maybe you’ll “beat the libs” (or whatever drivel they are currently feeding you as a fake “accomplishment”) but eventually you’ll find your ability to hunt will have a new $10,000 “land access fee” payable to some private hedge fund one day.
…or be completely locked out of your most prized trout stream.
I’d suggest you go find some of those liberal tree huggers who love to bike, camp hike and find common ground so we can ALL STAND OUR GROUND against those who will sell our common heritage away.
Right on, then if they don't get there way at the meeting they they to get enough signatures to get the issue put on the ballet as an initiative. With all the liberals up there it would likely pass. Ask me how I know, I live in Ca. Liberals stopped Mt. lions hunts, hunting with dogs for bear.You've obviously never attended a game management meeting in states like Oregon, Washington. The tree huggers, anti gun libs are showing up demanding hunting seasons be shut down so they can enjoy wildlife hiking biking, and not be killed during hunting seasons by a bow hunter. They are demanding firearms be kept off of public lands because they are dangerous. These people are unhinged kooks who will never listen to logic
You've been listening to Matt Rinella bitch too much. There is easy and plenty of access to grass fed beef, bison, etc.. The current number of hunters in the USA doesn't substantiate social media making it harder to get in the woods1. Popular podcasts telling everyone they should be eating awesome elk meat. Note: I don't dislike Joe Rogan and I listen to his podcasts occasionally.
2. Instagram and Youtube hunting personalities.
3. Wealthy individuals (generally nonresident) buying up large tracts of private land. This is a midwest thing. 1000s of acres owned by just a few people.
4. The political stuff is a distance 4th on the list for me.
Might as well lump Colorado into that one as well with the way things are going.The future of big game hunting does not bode well in Washington and Oregon because politics are now trumping solid scientific game management
You forgot beavers…The only mammal on earth that destroys its own environment.
Valid points! I would add paper maps and compass to that as well…Technology. Progress. Advancement. It makes everything easier. Easier to research and apply for tags, easier to pay for when you don’t have to use real money, easier to know where to go and how to do it. Tech has broken down all barriers to entry. You don’t have to earn it anymore. And as humans, we’re more lethal. Dope cutting optics, Bluetooth scopes, ballistic apps, BTX doublers, thermal, nothing is safe.
Make hunting hard again.
1. Paper applications and no credit cards.
2. Fixed archery sights and 3 pins max.
3. No scopes and exposed ignition muzzleloaders.
4. 4x max magnification on centerfire rifles
5. Banish all “influencers” to a life of hard labor.
Eh I’d disagree with the first statement. I’d bet you those pushing the anti hunting sentiments are 100% “liberals” doesn’t mean that are liberals are anti hunting but all anti-hunters are liberal if you catch my driftLiberals have nothing to do with getting anti-hunting petitions on the ballots? or pushing to put 'diverse'(non-consumptive) perspectives in game departments?
As far as the gender issue - a lot more than you think. You really have been out there if you do not think there is a groundswell movement on these topics. 25% of high school students now identify as gay according to the CDC (from 11% in 2001) What is that driven by? The same politics that drives anti-gun/anti-hunting policies = leftism/socialism/communism/woke - it's all the same ideology repackaged.
You'll be made to care about this stuff.
Agree 110%.Eh I’d disagree with the first statement. I’d bet you those pushing the anti hunting sentiments are 100% “liberals” doesn’t mean that are liberals are anti hunting but all anti-hunters are liberal if you catch my drift
U.S. population growth, someone posted the graph we went from 170 million in 1960- to over 330 million today… those people want houses and not people want to live in the foothills or places that were rural are now urban/suburban. Bye bye winter habitat, bye bye healthy herds…Human population growth resulting in habitat destruction.
Facts. From developers, politicians, those looking to stay in power (left or right by selling land or shutting down hunting) also other hunters who feel the need to gobble up tag after tag after tag… in state, out of state, ect.Greedy people.
other hunters who feel the need to gobble up tag after tag after tag… in state, out of state, ect.
How exactly is your blue collar working status limiting your ability to draw a tag?This is one of the reasons that most of us blue collar working guys can't get 1 decent/good hunt in a year. There are guys who are applying in 10 states to hunt, drawing several elk tags every single year instead of just drawing 1 and being happy with it. I'm not promoting social welfare of big game here but does a guy really need to hunt elk in 4 or more states? What on earth would a guy do with 3+ elk every year. Some of these TV nutjobs shoot 6-8 elk a year. lol
Money??????How exactly is your blue collar working status limiting your ability to draw a tag?