Texas school shooting

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We had a interesting discussion about this in one of my classes the other day. These are some of the things some high schoolers thought and things that were said. (I live in a small country town)

1. More gun laws ain’t gonna hurt the people that do things like this. The only people it’ll hurt is the people who follow the laws.

2. It’s not possible for a gun to kill someone. A person can kill another person with a gun, but a gun can’t kill a person. If anything we need to be worried about the crazy people behind the guns, not the guns themselves.

3. There were multiple people in my class that fully admitted to having a gun in their truck parked out in the parking lot (me included). Us that did all agreed that we wouldn’t hesitate to get them and come back in to hunt down that worthless POS. There’s no need for innocent people to die. If we had
to take a consequence for killing a school shooter and risk loosing our own lives to save one person, we would all do it in a heartbeat.

4. Kill every single school shooter. Don’t just take them to jail where they’ll end up with food to eat and no bills. Kill them on the spot and let the cameras on them so anyone even thinking about it knows for 100% sure they’ll die.

5. Let any and all teachers in any school that want to conceal carry. Make a specialized training course for them to go through, but don’t make it illegal for them to have a gun. I can think of at least 5 teachers in my school that I wouldn’t be one bit suprised if they had a gun and would feel safer being in that class too.
One of the things the teacher had us think about was if we would feel safer in a room with a teacher with or without a gun. He then had us think about any teachers that we might think could have a gun and if we would or wouldn’t trust them with it. Not one single person said they would feel less safe and not trust any of the teachers who might have one.

Thought it might be interesting for you guys to hear some of the current teenagers thoughts on the subject. Granted most all of us grew up country kids and around guns. There’s not many kids like us left and theres getting to be less and less.
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There is no solution to these incidents.

The best we're ever going to do, with a society that places high value on gun ownership and easy access to them, is to simply keep building caskets and arranging funerals.

Its the price that has been paid and will continue to be paid, its that simple.

I just remain hopeful when it happens, because its not a matter of if it is, that its nobody I know or nobody in my family.

The risk we take for freedom.
it seems odd that so many are dead and no wounded or did I miss something.

Another thing is that all the people on this forum who do not carry daily every day/everywhere legal are part of the problem.
Invention idea: bullet proof glass. No need to patent it guys, just run with it.
Laminated glass ( think of your windshield) would solve a some of these issues. Where the shooter is shooting his way into the school. Like what happened at Sandy Hook also.
The problem is most schools can’t afford to do this. It’s almost like we should not send so much money overseas and address some of the issues at home.
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it seems odd that so many are dead and no wounded or did I miss something.

Another thing is that all the people on this forum who do not carry daily every day/everywhere legal are part of the problem.
What a load of crap.

We live in a free country, if I do or do not want to be encumbered by packing a firearm around all day, that's my business.

Worry about yourself, that's probably a full time job.

Oh, and I would guess that some school shooters, like elk hunters, are better shots than others to answer your first question.
it seems odd that so many are dead and no wounded or did I miss something.
Not really odd. You have a somewhat high velocity round, at relatively close range, on more than likely stationary targets. Who are in general totally unprepared to deal with a armed person. The result is going to be very devastating unfortunately.

Active shooters have very high hit/kill ratios due to the above mentioned, much higher then LE and military.
It does not surprise me that you expect others to keep you safe buzzy....for someone who wants to do as he pleases you sure hate someone else voicing an opinion you do not agree with....personally, I accept people like you as you are and expect little from them....
Not really odd. You have a somewhat high velocity round, at relatively close range, on more than likely stationary targets. The result is going to be very devastating unfortunately.

Active shooters have very high hit/kill ratios due to the above mentioned, much higher then LE and military.
Correct, and this idea that killing the people that commit these types of crimes is ridiculous.

Nearly all of them are very calm by the time they decide to commit mass murder and I don't believe any of them care about dying, I think most assume they will.

That's the big edge they have on people that try to stop them, those looking to stop them have something to live for, the offenders don't.
What a load of crap.

We live in a free country, if I do or do not want to be encumbered by packing a firearm around all day, that's my business.

Worry about yourself, that's probably a full time job.

Oh, and I would guess that some school shooters, like elk hunters, are better shots than others to answer your first question.

Quit wearing your feelings on your sleeve. My hell...
So very sad. I have a 1st grader. Just horrible. Luckily our elementary schools are on lock down once the bell rings. Video verified in and remote door locks that can only be operated from the office. It’s just truly sad. Praying for those that are effected. These tragedies should not be a political platform to campaign on. Just sick.
It does not surprise me that you expect others to keep you safe buzzy....for someone who wants to do as he pleases you sure hate someone else voicing an opinion you do not agree with....personally, I accept people like you as you are and expect little from them....
I don't expect help from anyone...just don't care for others telling me I'm part of a problem with a school shooting because I may, or may not want to pack a firearm around all day.

That's complete nonsense.
The only silver lining (if you'd even call it that), is that the POS took the room temperature challenge and won't burden the justice system. The scumbag politicians that immediately start pushing a narrative certainly aren't doing anything to help.

I can't imagine what the family's are going through right now.
A sickening event. I have a feeling though that the fetishization of school shootings as getting unlimited media exposure plays a factor in things like this. They hold a hell of a rock and a school is a huge window.
Nah, gun lobby will push to arm children instead.

I’m all for responsible gun ownership, but I need license, registration and insurance to drive a Prius. I think we can do better on gun control while not infringing on 2A rights.

Extremists on both ends leave zero room for actionable compromise and reduced gun violence.
Need to look up the definition of "infringe".
Gun laws will do zilch. School security would fix it. Cameras, locked doors and security guards. But then again, if we did that there would be no incidents to further the agenda.
I don’t understand why we never get a complete psychological profile of any of these incidents. The story simply disappears until it’s served it’s purpose.
OK, I'll bite here and play some devil's advocate.

What prescriptions are they on? Zoloft, 50mg. Diagnosed with depression and anxiety.
What’s their home life like? Stable.
What were the warning signs? Loved "the army." Always drew army tanks and drawings. Liked to dress in camouflage and military surplus clothing.
Tell us about their family afterward?
What video games and types of media were they involved in? Loved playing the Grand Theft Auto, SOCOM, and Metal Gear Solid series video games. Thoroughly enjoyed computer real-time strategy games.

The above answers trip 3 of 5 of your warning signs - that's 60%. Someone might say that person was "highly likely" to commit an act such as a school shooting. How can we ignore such strong warning signs?!

I'll even throw in one more question you didn't pose: "Were firearms accessible in the house?" with an answer of "yes." Now the likelihood goes to 4 of 6 and 66%.

That person I described above...is me. Yet I have never shot up a school or done anything violent. My point is simply that we have warning signs all over the place but how do you assess their validity? And the unfortunate answer is, I do not know. I think about this a lot, and I just don't know.

Someone mentioned the "nuclear family" and I think that has a lot to do with it. Parents assume responsibility for their children and are actively interested in their lives and development. I was fortunate to be raised by loving and responsible parents. Were they perfect, no, but they were loving and taught me a lot. Parenting is not a hands-off profession.

I could go on for hours but instead, I'll say this situation breaks my heart and I do find myself questioning some of my values because of it. I believe it's a "poor mechanic that blames his tools" yet it's hard to sit back and see schools get shot up using these "tools" that are held so near and dear to many people's hearts.
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