Texas school shooting

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Feb 15, 2019
Not to mention mandatory wait oeruods and all the for abortions ONLY apply for some states and ONLY in moms under the age 18. Once you are 18 you do not need to go thru any of those measures.

Talk about a total analogy fallacy for an argument
Nov 19, 2020
NW Illinois
Some quick reading for those who aren't clear on what the 2A is intended for or think we should regulate semi-auto weapons:

"Statistics on total U.S. gun deaths (including suicides and unintentional shootings), as compiled by the National Center for Health Statistics, have only been collected since 1979. But between 1979 and 1997, 651,697 Americans lost their lives to gun violence, including 334,870 suicides, 278,865 homicides, 28,964 unintentional shootings, and 8,998 from unknown causes."

"National statistics on gun homicides have been collected since 1933. Between 1933 and 1997, 591,528 Americans were murdered with firearms."

And here's just a title pulled from wallstreet journal:

"100 Years of Communism—and 100 Million Dead"​

Yeah....our founding fathers knew exactly why they drafted the 2A. I believe it had something to do with tyrannical governments????

Make schools into hard targets, accept that the world is dangerous, and keep your freaking hands off my AR's.
Nov 19, 2020
NW Illinois
And if you seriously think AR15s are the problem, you should probably Google statistics on how few people are killed with them every year in comparison to....well....basically anything!

You'll get your feelings hurt if you do.
Nov 19, 2020
NW Illinois
Another thing killing me here is how unimaginative some of you are. We live in an era of amazing (terrifying) technological advancement.

For example:

Amazon is building an AI that can sense your psychological condition, automatically alert medical personnel to it, and prescribe you medication.

Google is building an AI that READS YOUR THOUGHTS.

Vehicles are driving themselves in San Francisco.

Graphene batteries being built that will replace all other types and last forever.

Facial recognition is old tech. Heart beat recognition is way more precise and is being tested in many large cities currently.

But no, with all our technological, automation, and materials capabilities, the only answers for keeping students safe is either LIMITING ACCESS TO AR15'S or STRINGING UP RAZOR WIRE FENCES.

C'mon guys, let's think like we're in the 21st century.


Dec 12, 2019
I’m not sure how’s she passes the breath on the mirror test to see if she’s still alive

it seems her brain has rotted causing her eyes to sink in
Someone should give her a breath test right after a vote....the disqualify her from office.
I think we should means test ALL politicians over the age of 60…make them pass cognitive ability test…I don’t she or grandpa poopy pants would pass
Feb 15, 2019

Copycat 10 yo. 10!

Is this attention seeking behavior or can a 10yo be this evil?

I have never met a 10yo who i thought was evil enough to be able to do something like that. It is crazy tho what some kids live through and see
Nov 19, 2020
NW Illinois
Speaking of AI…looks like Uvalde was using it to monitor students

Wow, I didn't know schools were using those services.

We'll shit, if that's the best they can do then break out the concertina wire!
Nov 19, 2020
NW Illinois

Copycat 10 yo. 10!

Is this attention seeking behavior or can a 10yo be this evil?

I have never met a 10yo who i thought was evil enough to be able to do something like that. It is crazy tho what some kids live through and see
Definitely attention seeking behavior. I've met some pretty wild and messed up kids but none that were evil.... I think. A 9 year old that smoked crack weekly. A 7 year old diagnosed sociopath that nonchalantly tried to set her home and other buildings on fire. A few 10-12 year olds with pistols. Some tortured and killed animals.

All these kids had similar backgrounds. Broken homes, drug addicted parents, no adult supervision, physical and/or sexually abused by relatives. We all grew up in the same violent, ghetto shit hole but the difference between me and them is that I had a mom and dad that grounded me and whooped my ass when I broke rules. They cared about me. My dad took me camping, fishing and hunting a lot too, whereas the other kids in my neighborhood rarely got out of the city.

Loving parents, even if they're flawed, makes all the difference. Communing with nature is also very important for reasons that I don't have to explain. I think we all understand that part.


Jun 27, 2021
I love it how the left is all up in arms, hair on fire, worried about
social issues until there's a mass shooting - then it becomes a gun


May 17, 2018
seems a little rash but at least its the best of the worst
Lol... it's actually one of the dumbest ideas ideas I've ever heard. First the comparison to abortion is absolutely absurd. Second, if you think an insane person watching a video about how bad it is to kill someone is going to change their mind... well, good luck with that.

Insane person: I want to murder a bunch of kids!

government: yeah, but did you know that murdering people is bad?

Insane person: WHAT!!! Why hadn't anyone ever mentioned this before??? I'm now not crazy anymore thanks to this video!

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Dec 12, 2019
The shooter in Uvalde was cutting his face, killing cats, having domestic disputes with his mother, and shooting bystanders with a BB gun. He was also reported for making death threats by someone online. If CPS ever should have removed a child from a home (he was under-18 until weeks prior to the shooting) and put them into a facility, it should have been this time, yet nothing was done. If that’s not what Democrats and Republicans mean by mental health resources, it’s not going to be effective.

May 16, 2021
North Texas
We ALREADY HAVE qualifications on a "right." How many times does it have to be said?

We give up some "rights" in exchange for a safe and orderly society in which to live. This is well known and documented by our founding fathers.

And yes, PART of the problem IS a gun issue. Not admitting that is disingenuous.

We got to where we are because society has become more and more………wussified.

Any semblance of more restrictions on gun rights , gun parts, etc is a FUDD argument that needs to be squashed, period.

The founding fathers had access to the same weapons that their aggressors had and that was the intent of the 2nd amendment. Any restrictions on that right is BS, yer because of an ever softening society we have allowed it.

We are our own worst enemy.

We have a societal problem, not a gun problem.

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May 16, 2021
North Texas
i might get eaten alive for posting this but I see it as a fair comparison. Lets be clear. I am not trying to hijack this thread and throw it into a “pro-life” “pro-death” debate BUT I see the safegaurds and restrictions put around abortion and its state laws as essentially trying desperately to achieve the same thing that I would hope all of us would agree upon what needs to be done with guns. Gun ownership is our right. But killing somebody with one is not. Because modern weapons are so incredibly deadly the prerequisites written below in my screenshot seem fair. The man in Uvalde wasnt schizo, bipolar or a “mental health patient”. He played violent video games and was bullied and the moment he turned 18 he bought 2 ARs and shot 21 people dead. He was desensitized to life. How do you try cure that? You make it mandatory to become sensitized to the reality of what guns do. I will never forget the first big game animal I killed as the most invigorating and simultaneously regretful moment of my life. That is the reverance that I (try my best to) keep everytime I aim a gun at an animal. Only when we cure a disregard for REAL life will this violence end.View attachment 415198

Not eaten alive but since you brought abortion into the discussion, can you show me anywhere in the Constitution, written in plain English where an abortions is an enumerated right as is the 2nd Amendment?

The language is very clear to me.

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Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
In the situation I described, everyone here would take the stick out of the kid's hands.
Ya, except our government and most of society expects only the government authorized individuals to be the ones to remove the stick from their hands. After all, that's what they're for.........to protect and to serve, right?

But you're right, WE THE PEOPLE should be able to take that stick out of their hands WHEN they use that stick as an offensive weapon, or neutralize the threat when it rises to that. Even if that kid uses a bigger stick, a knife, or a gun, or whatever other tool they choose to use. The government protectors aren't, and can't always be everywhere to "protect", but everyday normal law abiding Americans ARE always there in every single one of these attacks.

But I do agree.......regardless whether it's a kid or an adult, and regardless whether it's a stick or a gun, when a member of society shows that they are a threat to ourselves or others........ya, we all need to be willing and able to step up and remove that tool that's being used as a weapon.......or just stop the threat altogether when needed. Sometimes that's just a bigger kid on the playground, sometimes that's a smaller kid with a bigger heart and attitude, sometimes that's an adult, and sometimes it's just everyday Americans out in society when evil raises its ugly head. But that's why the 2A is so important. If Americans keep allowing Congress to infringe away on it (for a false sense of perceived safety), then we'll never be able to fully keep evil in check.


Jun 30, 2020
We got to where we are because society has become more and more………wussified.

Any semblance of more restrictions on gun rights , gun parts, etc is a FUDD argument that needs to be squashed, period.

The founding fathers had access to the same weapons that their aggressors had and that was the intent of the 2nd amendment. Any restrictions on that right is BS, yer because of an ever softening society we have allowed it.

We are our own worst enemy.

We have a societal problem, not a gun problem.

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110% correct.
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