Texas House Representative files bill to abolish Texas Parks and Wildlife Department

there is about to be some major lawsuits on CWD testing results and it’s not pretty for TPWD. That’s all I’ll say but I wouldn’t say Breeders are the soul issue….. any animal can spread CWD, including coons.. .

CWD came to Texas not by breeders but natural deer movement in West Texas Mule deer herd.. that’s FACT and extremely well documented. panhandle is in same boat . Of course That’s assuming , it came. But first observed a decade plus in free range mule deer with no Breeding facilities for a longggg waysss
true west Texas was the first spot, but Medina county and since has been captive deer
true west Texas was the first spot, but Medina county and since has been captive deer
And given where that original case in Texas came from, it’s likely that it was transmitted through wild animals from NM near the Mescalero where elk form a CO game park that was positive for CWD had translocated some of their elk. They did not confirm that is where it came from but that is speculation. I think in almost every scenario there is a case to trace back to a captive farm where the introduction first occurred. There’s enough evidence to show this spreading from captive farms that everyone should realize they’re a problem.
true west Texas was the first spot, but Medina county and since has been captive deer
panhandle has had several pop hot, those where road killed surveys. No breeders in high plains. Logically if not previously present from sheep, it Walked down from Kansas since it’s less the 30 miles across Oklahoma panhandle
And given where that original case in Texas came from, it’s likely that it was transmitted through wild animals from NM near the Mescalero where elk form a CO game park that was positive for CWD had translocated some of their elk. They did not confirm that is where it came from but that is speculation. I think in almost every scenario there is a case to trace back to a captive farm where the introduction first occurred. There’s enough evidence to show this spreading from captive farms that everyone should realize they’re a problem.

Mescalero is over 200 miles of desert from Hueco Mountains.

The west Texas mule deer would of had a better chance of getting it from Ibex in the Florida’s, or domestic sheep
Mescalero is over 200 miles of desert from Hueco Mountains.

The west Texas mule deer would of had a better chance of getting it from Ibex in the Florida’s
Ibex cannot transmit CWD, only cervids can. The Hueco Mountains are much closer to the Mescalero than the Floridas and is directly connected to mountains in Unit 28 which has been positive for some time. There is flow from 34 to 28 to Texas through animal movement and that would be the most likely source given the known spatial distribution of CWD at the time
Ibex cannot transmit CWD, only cervids can. The Hueco Mountains are much closer to the Mescalero than the Floridas and is directly connected to mountains in Unit 28 which has been positive for some time. There is flow from 34 to 28 to Texas through animal movement and that would be the most likely source given the known spatial distribution of CWD at the time
Ibex was in jest.

I don’t see it moving that far, higher probably of it being scrapie sub variant. Nonetheless I hunted Aoudad in NM 34/36, Deer in 34 and aoudad hueco’s this year. Saw lots of deer and decent age classes.

End of the day TPWD has very biased influence in a lot of people’s eyes, and perception is reality. They might want to fix it or legislation will continue
I don’t see it moving that far, higher probably of it being scrapie sub variant.
There’s ton of research across the nation showing how far it can spread. Plus the vast majority of research is concluding that it is being spread by humans moving cervids. I don’t know why people want to argue with science. The research is clear that it is spreading and spreading rapidly after 5% prevalence. That is coming from multiple different federal and state agencies. I’m sorry but if we want to advocate for science-based wildlife management then we need to follow the science.
There’s ton of research across the nation showing how far it can spread. Plus the vast majority of research is concluding that it is being spread by humans moving cervids. I don’t know why people want to argue with science. The research is clear that it is spreading and spreading rapidly after 5% prevalence. That is coming from multiple different federal and state agencies. I’m sorry but if we want to advocate for science-based wildlife management then we need to follow the science.
I’m not arguing with science as science has also shown a link to scrapie’s . I’m looking at time lines and probability. No doubt humans spread CWD, as they have done it across the U.S. with domestic disease transmission since 1700’s

You are stating an absolute, it’s not absolute, it’s a hypothetical. As the reintroduction elk to replaced the extinct Merriam's in southern and central NM started in 20’s. Was there CWD before the 1967 observation in CO, large probability. Especially when looking at Western Grazing of Sheep.

But fact is TX got CWD from free range herd, both out west in transpecos and panhandle.

this thread is about TPWD internal politics. TPWD testing needs more independent oversight and secondary control labs. Live testing is also changing the game.

Regardless of your view of breeding or owning cervids, when a Gov agency has a very high degree of influence from either side of the fence, transparency is a major concern. Legal battles are mounting for TPWD for their lack of transparency and certain actions that perceived to be not on the up and up. Both sides need representation, so there is checks and balances on each side.
There’s ton of research across the nation showing how far it can spread. Plus the vast majority of research is concluding that it is being spread by humans moving cervids. I don’t know why people want to argue with science. The research is clear that it is spreading and spreading rapidly after 5% prevalence. That is coming from multiple different federal and state agencies. I’m sorry but if we want to advocate for science-based wildlife management then we need to follow the science.
That side of the "CWD stance" can't concede that point because it's critical to their flow, they won't let that go no matter what.
That side of the "CWD stance" can't concede that point because it's critical to their flow, they won't let that go no matter what.
Ohhh the irony of the other side of the coin….. your hate is strong padwan 😂

I’m not pro breeder, not even remotely my thing, although I do recognize its usefulness in restoring certain species like Red Rocks, Sierra Diablo, wildhorse island etc..

I get you don’t care that TPWD may have done some shady stuff since you hate breeders and via your ideology it doesn’t matter because it’s for the greater good. My opinion is it is the wrong ideology and does more harm than good to your cause. I want to see transparency, I want to actually know how CWD got into a 10 year closed facility… I want breeders two have another lab option so their is zero question on positives… and no procedural errors “on positives”.. etc

Again transparency, not totalitarian rule by TPWD, infact I rather see TPWD fullly removed and TAHC take over all CWD, infact all disease testing
If these bred deer are to be considered livestock, any shoulder mounts of said animals should be required to wear an ear tag...
Curry's just pissed TPW has been on him for his own violations, so he wants to break up the folks doing it. Typical far right playbook down there these days.