Tennis Elbow?

I tore something in my forearm elbow last summer, I blame it on every day archery practice and the the handheld release (Stan Onnex) I was using. I go back/forth to an index finger release and that makes a huge difference using different muscels to avoid irritating the damaged area. As I was nursing the forearm and elbow I ended up tearing the front of my shoulder doing incline butterfly lifts, I kept pushing for a few weeks before I accepted that I had done serious damage to my shoulder/rotator cuff????

So I got off the weights and drawing my compound bow for 30 days (all of January) thinking for sure all would heal and I'd be back at it 100%............... Negative. Here it is March and I've found a stretching/excerise routine and learned what not to do with every day tasks to irritate the elbow and shoulder, advil works well. I hate taking pills (even advil/asprin) and dont want to go under the knife, but am getting closer every day to scheduling an MRI.

Everyone and every situation is different, imo if you find the right orthopedic doctor with a good amount of experience and references it could be benifica. My wife had rotator cuff surgery, it was an outpatient operation (scoped) and shes money now. I'm a procrastinator and stubborn but........... if 6+ months of pain doesn't tell you to get that MRI then eat it like that 2024 Eastern Idaho deer tag.
I haven't played tennis in 45 years but I get it occasionally, mostly from chopping too much kindling at once. Now I regulate that. The arm band with the small pressure thing helps greatly for me. I also have not played golf in 25 years but get "golf elbow" now and again. That's the pain in the inner side of the elbow on the bony knob. There seems to be no treatment for that.