Tell me why I shouldn't move to wyoming...

I only have one good reason not to move to Wyoming, there's no gulf coast. We came pretty close, my boys lived there for three years and the wife even had a nurse job lined up, just can't leave behind the 24/7/365 recreational opportunities the coast provides.
Just last week I called an insurance agent in Wyo (same company I currently have here).

I had them run the numbers for my car insurance - same coverage as I have currently for 2 vehicles.

The savings would be over $400/yr.

That’s just one of a few things you can look at also, along with no state income tax.
You'd better make damn good and sure if your wife is the bread winner and needs great Internet, you have great Internet at the house you buy. It's feast or famine for Internet in Wyoming.

At all our shops across Wyoming is say we run about a 50% stay rate for employees that move here from somewhere else. We pay great, but you work outside and that seems to be the thing that gets them. We've had several guys from Montana come down, and move back, we've had 2 guys from Alaska come down, and move back, they can't take the weather, it's rather humorous.
You have a pretty good “technical” grasp of the issues but that’s alot different than actually knowing them. And you have a lot of company in that boat as evidenced by all the folks that move to Wyoming then leave. By the way there’s probably a decent number of them where one person in the couple or family handles it but the other(s) don’t.

Even people that are totally financially independent of their location don’t move to Wyoming or they leave Wyoming because of the weather. Cold and wind.

Also wyomingites hear all the time that move ins won’t want to change anything. Two issues with that. First, it’s frequently not true. Second, the mere fact that it’s more people and often people with big real estate budgets changes the state. Every move in brings Wyoming closer to the other states.
You'd better make damn good and sure if your wife is the bread winner and needs great Internet, you have great Internet at the house you buy. It's feast or famine for Internet in Wyoming.

At all our shops across Wyoming is say we run about a 50% stay rate for employees that move here from somewhere else. We pay great, but you work outside and that seems to be the thing that gets them. We've had several guys from Montana come down, and move back, we've had 2 guys from Alaska come down, and move back, they can't take the weather, it's rather humorous.
Noted and input appreciated. What line of work are you in ?
You'd better make damn good and sure if your wife is the bread winner and needs great Internet, you have great Internet at the house you buy. It's feast or famine for Internet in Wyoming.

At all our shops across Wyoming is say we run about a 50% stay rate for employees that move here from somewhere else. We pay great, but you work outside and that seems to be the thing that gets them. We've had several guys from Montana come down, and move back, we've had 2 guys from Alaska come down, and move back, they can't take the weather, it's rather humorous.
I highly doubt weather was the deciding factor. Probably the fact 99% of Wyo looks like a chit hole compared to MT or AK 😂
@StuckInTheEast : If your wife's remote work status in a offer letter, contract or employment agreement?

I just retired from 40 years in IT and over the past 4-ish years remote jobs were the norm but things are changing for many companies to require at least some time in the office on a weekly or monthly basis.

Many of my fellow IT working stiffs, er I mean friends :ROFLMAO:, across different companies and businesses are dealing with the slow, but somewhat sure, return to office requirements that seems to be the trend now.

"Life is an adventure or life is nothing."

Good luck,


P.S. Here's hoping you have to change your RS screen name in the coming months. (y):D
You have a pretty good “technical” grasp of the issues but that’s alot different than actually knowing them. And you have a lot of company in that boat as evidenced by all the folks that move to Wyoming then leave. By the way there’s probably a decent number of them where one person in the couple or family handles it but the other(s) don’t.

Even people that are totally financially independent of their location don’t move to Wyoming or they leave Wyoming because of the weather. Cold and wind.

Also wyomingites hear all the time that move ins won’t want to change anything. Two issues with that. First, it’s frequently not true. Second, the mere fact that it’s more people and often people with big real estate budgets changes the state. Every move in brings Wyoming closer to the other states.
once again, I understand this sentiment...its far from a Wyoming only issue but certainly a notable hurdle to assimilation.
As stated before, the realestate issue is Nation wide...nowhere is safe or immune. One of the down falls of capitalism...things are worth whatever some idiot is willing to pay for them...and unfortunately there are alot of idiots(in my opinion anyways) that have driven costs to the realm of un-obtainium for a huge chunk of the population...but thats what happens if free/lightly regulated economies with the degree of income inequality we have in this country. There isn't much anyone or any small group can do to steer the will of the masses ...political discussion for another time that I quite frankly really don't have any good answers/solutions to...but I get it.
We would be selling our current home at an exorbitant inflated price and basically making a lateral into a smaller, yet similarly over priced works the same whether your moving to another state or within the same state or even reality anyone buying/selling real estate anywhere in the country at current prices is fueling the fire you speak of. Its a real problem but unfortunately not one I have an answer for or that I can really factor into this particular situation.
Appreciate your input though. For what it's worth, I prefer to leave people alone and be left alone myself. If I had any interest in changing things for other people I'd get into politics...and that sure as hell isn't going to happen.
I highly doubt weather was the deciding factor. Probably the fact 99% of Wyo looks like a chit hole compared to MT or AK 😂

Still personal friends with 3 of the guys, 2 from Montana, 1 from Alaska. The weather was the deciding factor for them all.
I'd take a week in what you call a chit hole any day over what most think is highly desirable
@StuckInTheEast : If your wife's remote work status in a offer letter, contract or employment agreement?

I just retired from 40 years in IT and over the past 4-ish years remote jobs were the norm but things are changing for many companies to require at least some time in the office on a weekly or monthly basis.

Many of my fellow IT working stiffs, er I mean friends :ROFLMAO:, across different companies and businesses are dealing with the slow, but somewhat sure, return to office requirements that seems to be the trend now.

"Life is an adventure or life is nothing."

Good luck,


P.S. Here's hoping you have to change your RS screen name in the coming months. (y):D
Her company shuttered most of their in office operations in all but a few larger cities a couple years ago. She is fortunate enough to have the seniority, title and reputation that I don't see that being an issue for her...but there is only one certainty and that is uncertainty. We keep ourselves humble and always aware unexpected career issues could arise at any time. Our ideal situation would put us moving totally dept free, but current real-estate markets everywhere may put a damper on that plan.
We have a 2 year goal presently so we will be making more trips and getting boots on the ground a few places yet...but yes, I am hoping to change my user name as soon as possible as well😉
Thanks for your input!
I only have one good reason not to move to Wyoming, there's no gulf coast. We came pretty close, my boys lived there for three years and the wife even had a nurse job lined up, just can't leave behind the 24/7/365 recreational opportunities the coast provides.
I can understand that. The gulf The coast is nice but beaches and salt water just never grasped our desires...and not for lack of trying. I can do a couple days on a beach or a day on a boat in open water...but mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, canyons, pine forests and sage prairies suite our preferences much better.
To each their own. I realize WY or MT is no magical paradise...everyone would be there if it was, of course wouldn't be much of a paradise then either at that point.
Most of the people we know here don't get it or us for that matter.
It's all about socializing, floating on boats for no good reason, partying late and drinking heavily the whole time...we talk about being in the 'middle of nowhere" and not seeing our neighbors unless we want to or need to, raising/growing/hunting/butchering our own food and get blank stares and 'that sounds nice'....we don't drink much if at all anymore, don't party and don't enjoy large groups especially if there is alcohol involved. The midwest is definitely not where we belong anymore.
Just last week I called an insurance agent in Wyo (same company I currently have here).

I had them run the numbers for my car insurance - same coverage as I have currently for 2 vehicles.

The savings would be over $400/yr.

That’s just one of a few things you can look at also, along with no state income tax.
Those are valid points...and something I didn't ask about...home and auto insurance has gone haywire everywhere in the last year too.
I would be curious what kind of rates folks are seeing on 2-3000sq ft homes...and log homes as well as I'm sure they are higher...I really dont want one but see a fair number on the market.

How are vehicle registration costs out there? We have 5 vehicles currently 4 being trucks andvwill have 2 more drivers within 6 years so I definitely need to make sure I understand the fees there.

Here we pay sales tax when purchased and then $60-90/ year tag renewal fees...but i know it's done differently other places.
Thank you for bringing that up, I'll have to call WY, MT DOT/BMV or who ever handles it and put that info in the mix.
I can understand that. The gulf The coast is nice but beaches and salt water just never grasped our desires...and not for lack of trying. I can do a couple days on a beach or a day on a boat in open water...but mountains, lakes, rivers, streams, canyons, pine forests and sage prairies suite our preferences much better.
To each their own. I realize WY or MT is no magical paradise...everyone would be there if it was, of course wouldn't be much of a paradise then either at that point.
Most of the people we know here don't get it or us for that matter.
It's all about socializing, floating on boats for no good reason, partying late and drinking heavily the whole time...we talk about being in the 'middle of nowhere" and not seeing our neighbors unless we want to or need to, raising/growing/hunting/butchering our own food and get blank stares and 'that sounds nice'....we don't drink much if at all anymore, don't party and don't enjoy large groups especially if there is alcohol involved. The midwest is definitely not where we belong anymore.

I saw a click bait article just the other day that said my state is in the top 5 for worst quality of life.
I celebrated.
Those are valid points...and something I didn't ask about...home and auto insurance has gone haywire everywhere in the last year too.
I would be curious what kind of rates folks are seeing on 2-3000sq ft homes...and log homes as well as I'm sure they are higher...I really dont want one but see a fair number on the market.

How are vehicle registration costs out there? We have 5 vehicles currently 4 being trucks andvwill have 2 more drivers within 6 years so I definitely need to make sure I understand the fees there.

Here we pay sales tax when purchased and then $60-90/ year tag renewal fees...but i know it's done differently other places.
Thank you for bringing that up, I'll have to call WY, MT DOT/BMV or who ever handles it and put that info in the mix.
Sales tax and you take a beating every year. I don’t buy brand new vehicles but I think the beating decreases some annually until the vehicle is 10 years old then it stays the same.
I saw a click bait article just the other day that said my state is in the top 5 for worst quality of life.
I celebrated.
I think life is largely what one decides to make it...but I can understand celebrating that article🤣
Though to be fair...its seems about any place has had a "best" and/or "worst" place for this or that article written about it... click bait as you said🙄
The insurance person also told me that if you live further than 10 miles from a fire station they couldn’t insure you, but will transfer the policy to another company that handles higher risk locations
The insurance person also told me that if you live further than 10 miles from a fire station they couldn’t insure you, but will transfer the policy to another company that handles higher risk locations
Another valid point I need to research a bit more and make some phone calls on...Insurance is an utter sh%&show here presently, I'm sure that's not just an ohio and coastal/California trend.
Thanks for point that detail out.
Winter is rough.

Wind is a thing in WY.

Good luck finding a decent job unless it’s gas/oil related.

Get ready for expensive everything.

The schools suck out west vs. back east.

Hunting and fishing is good to excellent.
This is what I explain to everyone who asks this question. You can't understand it fully until you live here. The wind is one of the hardest things for people to get used too.

I've lived here for 4 years now and thank God it doesn't bother me real bad. Some people flat out sell the house and move back to where they came from, and by some I mean a lot.

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