A target stand for a gong needs to be heavy enough to not get knocked over OR needs to be anchored. It also needs to withstand the bullet splatter. I think that is why most stands are steel. I made one from old bed frame angle iron with a 2x4 base that stakes down but the 2x4s also get eaten up by bullet splatter. The range I shoot at had gongs hanging at 400 yds off a 6x6 timber mounted on 6x6 posts. After about 1 year the top 12" of one of the posts was gone from splatter.
I have mad some out of electrical conduit. I made 3 prong corner pieces 2 prongs for legs and 1 for a cross member. I welded up out of square tubing. A while later I found these that look easier. https://shootingtargets7.com/products/kyl-target-leg-brackets
Your best bet is to use a loop of cable with a carabiner for the gong and either wrap around a tree branch or over the top of a boulder. See THLR YouTube vids for how he does his when he hikes in.
Your best bet is to use a loop of cable with a carabiner for the gong and either wrap around a tree branch or over the top of a boulder. See THLR YouTube vids for how he does his when he hikes in.