Well I never imagined killing 85 and I did. see my other thread in this section if youre not familiar with that story. even after opening morning I found myself in the stand that afternoon after my second choice blacktail buck. This buck was also one Joe and I had watched for three years and hunted each year since 2010. Joe's brother named the buck "Primetime" so we refered to him as PT. IN 2010 and 2011 PT showed him self on the cams here and there but showed no pattern. he called the 100 acre ranch home I hunted until the rut then he would disappear to the south a couple miles where joe and I would see him chasing does. This year I scouted and studied the property a lot more in search of PT and his bed and habits. It was not long as PT showed back up and the game was on. Each year we could tell it was PT by his similar rack and blind left eye. Well this year his nice 4x4 frame he ahd in 2011 with a droptine put on a lot of mass and got funky. He turned into a cool looking 4x8 if you count his eyeguards. Towards the season opener I narrowed down his turf, his routes, abnd his bedding area and felt better then ever at getting a shot at him. So opening day after killing 85 in the morning I was in the stands that evening hunting PT. One thing Ive learned about these blacktails is they seam to slip in the beginning of the season before they go into their fall patterns after shedding their velvet. First evening nada as it was slow with only a few does and yearlings.