Tagged out and floating on Nor-Cal air!!!


Feb 25, 2012
Well I never imagined killing 85 and I did. see my other thread in this section if youre not familiar with that story. even after opening morning I found myself in the stand that afternoon after my second choice blacktail buck. This buck was also one Joe and I had watched for three years and hunted each year since 2010. Joe's brother named the buck "Primetime" so we refered to him as PT. IN 2010 and 2011 PT showed him self on the cams here and there but showed no pattern. he called the 100 acre ranch home I hunted until the rut then he would disappear to the south a couple miles where joe and I would see him chasing does. This year I scouted and studied the property a lot more in search of PT and his bed and habits. It was not long as PT showed back up and the game was on. Each year we could tell it was PT by his similar rack and blind left eye. Well this year his nice 4x4 frame he ahd in 2011 with a droptine put on a lot of mass and got funky. He turned into a cool looking 4x8 if you count his eyeguards. Towards the season opener I narrowed down his turf, his routes, abnd his bedding area and felt better then ever at getting a shot at him. So opening day after killing 85 in the morning I was in the stands that evening hunting PT. One thing Ive learned about these blacktails is they seam to slip in the beginning of the season before they go into their fall patterns after shedding their velvet. First evening nada as it was slow with only a few does and yearlings.
monday august 20, 2012 back in the stand for eveing hunt and again no sign of PT....

heres a pic of him in 2010
pt 2010 3.jpg
last pic dont mind date it is wrong. and heres pic from this year. pretty cool to watch an old buck grow and see what he turns into
IMG_www.jpgaugust 21, back in the stand and only five minutes after getting in the stand a nice young 4x4 and two sporks walk by. things were looking good as this told me deer might be moving early. Well around 720 Joe gets my attention and tells me he thinks he sees PT above us on the open hill walking through the weeds. sure enough its him and he walking the same path the deer did earlier. joe and i were priveleged to an awesome show as he took his sweet time feeding on the about every bush and weed he walked by. with shooting light fading he go to 35 yards and I came to full draw as he turned broadside.....
i split my 30 and 40 right behind his shoulder and touched it off. the arrow flew true as I saw him do the sweet mule kick and sprint away. also heard the sweet ploppp of the arrow hitting him. joe and i got to my arrow as it was now dark and it was covered in bright red blood. we had a good blood trail and after following it sidehill for about 60 yards we found him piled up!!! after my bad shot on 85 on opening day making this shot and finding PT piled up felt so great. the arrow had double lung him. also as he was doing his death sprint through the weeds he was ripping his velevet which was wet and bloody. I could not beleive my luck as I had just killed two monster blacktails in the first four days of the season. i was so fired up! this was my best season by far on these awesome deer. i want to thank joe for hanging with me, videoing and creating memories!
so we put the buck on ice and took pics the next morning. his outside spread is 27.5" and green groosed 170"IMG_2835.jpg. no matter what he scores he is a legend in my book one ive wanted for three years and i finally finished the script. its now my turn to hopefully watch joe arrow a buck and create more memories....what a fast crazy season for me, my two biggest bucks to date.. if im dreaming i hope i never wake up!. next for me is montana and hopefully my amazing luck carries over to those hunts for elk, lopers, and deer.
so i checked the cams and got this pic of PT as he was closing in towards the stands about 20 minutes after it got dark on opening day as joe and I were already walking out. this shows how earlier in the seasopt tcam pic.jpgn they will move early and slip every once in a while and you have to be in the field when they do.