Suppressor Opinion: Meh, It’s Ok

Maybe some of us are hunting with more than one tag in our pocket...I get 5 deer tags with my R license and there is no limit on hogs. Multiple targets equals multiple shots.
He acknowledged later he sometimes takes two shots. But it’s never because of a bad shot. It’s only to top a good shot off.

Or something. I dunno, I can’t make sense of him 🤷‍♂️
I wonder how people who use silencers feel about people who still use toilet paper instead of wipes?

Though fudds still use cut off articles of clothing, they can’t see that far ahead to know that mountain house chili Mac is going to do the same thing it’s done the last 400 times

They think that feeling right below the belly button is just taco farts

As the OP I thought I’d chime in and say although I wasn’t crazy how the can changed the ergos of my 2 Tikka CTRs, I’m getting a low round count Tikka T3x 6.5 CM cut to 16.5” and threaded. Will see how a short, 16.5” barrel T3x with a Banish Backcountry (5.7”) will be in the field. I bet it will be more in line with what “feels” right to me with a hunting rifle.

As the OP I thought I’d chime in and say although I wasn’t crazy how the can changed the ergos of my 2 Tikka CTRs, I’m getting a low round count Tikka T3x 6.5 CM cut to 16.5” and threaded. Will see how a short, 16.5” barrel T3x with a Banish Backcountry (5.7”) will be in the field. I bet it will be more in line with what “feels” right to me with a hunting rifle.
Mine are all 16” and it feels right. You’ll be much happier.

As the OP I thought I’d chime in and say although I wasn’t crazy how the can changed the ergos of my 2 Tikka CTRs, I’m getting a low round count Tikka T3x 6.5 CM cut to 16.5” and threaded. Will see how a short, 16.5” barrel T3x with a Banish Backcountry (5.7”) will be in the field. I bet it will be more in line with what “feels” right to me with a hunting rifle.

My opinion is 16-17" you'll want the full baffle stack. I have a 17" 6.5 CM that is obnoxious with a 5" K baffle, slightly noisy with the harvester evo, nice to shoot with the OG harvester or ultra 7 and down right quiet with a nomad LT. The nomad goes on my short barrel magnums and does a much better job than the ultra 7 but it is larger and longer so that's expected.
I'm not surprised by the "suppressors require a heavier barrel" posts. This is from bartlein's website:

View attachment 640347

Well, I know my Tikka sporter barrel that I had chopped and threaded doesn't give a whole field of rat behinds if I shoot it with or without the can hanging on it. It will still put a 20 shot group into a 1.2" circle. The two circles are about 3.5" from one another, but that doesn't bug me at all.

In fact, I think that other than the Rem Varmint contour on my 7-08AI, none of the barrels I shoot suppressed are medium palma or greater contour.
So, you have regular trips to the audiologist to prove this?

I would almost guarantee you have hearing damage, you just don't know it, or are still young enough where it hasn't built up enough to matter.
I actually do. When I was 21, I shot my grandpa’s 357 mag without hearing protection and have had tinnitus since. I have annual trips to the audiologist to monitor for the last 5 years or so.
This thread has turned downright hilarious with the suppressor prima donna's chiming in and trying to defend their choice. I've decided that most suppressor users on this thread are akin to flyfishermen.
Lol says the sniper who only takes one shot except for when he wants to score a double-tap, but who also can’t spot his shots 😂
This thread has turned downright hilarious with the suppressor prima donna's chiming in and trying to defend their choice. I've decided that most suppressor users on this thread are akin to flyfishermen.
"It's okay to take a few shots a year with a bare muzzle or a brake and no earpro. It's not that bad for your ears." - OP

"That's stupid and wrong." - Us

"Clearly the snowflake suppressor owners are upset, they're so insecure!" - You

I think the past 5-10 years of outrage-bait in culture and politics makes people feel as though they must be doing something right if people are disagreeing with them. In reality sometimes you're just not that bright.
If you are hunting with me on a piece of property I control, you're shooting suppressed whether its my rifle or yours.

I suck at flyfishing FYI..

Its not because I think that I am better than anyone, I just don't like getting muzzle blasted.