Suppressor suppressor to rule them all? (at least for now)

Are there good centerfire cans that tear down for cleaning?

As I said before, it really isn't necessary. You will get some carbon buildup in your can, but it will take a few hundred rounds for it to be noticeable (or more depending on ammo selection). My current AR can takes about 1500 rounds before it gains 3 oz of carbon. Once that happens, I just pop a pencil eraser into the muzzle end, fill it with Wipe-out foaming cleaner. Let it sit overnight and then toss it in my $70 Harbor Freight ultra sonic cleaner for four 8-minute cycles with heat.
Shake it out, blow it dry with compressed air and start shooting with it again.
Makes sense, but Im still talking about the buildup from shooting rimfire through a centerfire can. Sounds like that is far greater buildup than centrfire.
Makes sense, but Im still talking about the buildup from shooting rimfire through a centerfire can. Sounds like that is far greater buildup than centrfire.
If you're shooting rimfire get a dedicated rimfire can they're cheap enough.
The quietest 30 cal suppressor I've used so far is the Nomad LT, it's tough to beat at 8.4", and 12.6 oz
TBAC ultra series for Centerfire.
for Rimfire any 22 takedown suppressor. I would buy TBAC’s 22 if I were to buy another one.
Buy a TBAC ultra 7 for the centerfire and a TBAC takedown 22 for the rimfire. Don't shot that rimfire crap through a CF can and gunk it all up.

As far as cleaning goes at least some of the TBAC guys say that the CF cans will reach steady state as far as carbon buildup. Once they gain a couple oz, every subsequent shot blows out as much as it puts in. I saw a post from someone that shoots PRS and is sponsored by them say that he has never cleaned his can and had 5000 rounds through it or something.

I have two Ultra 9s, a 30 and a 6.5, and the TD 22. The TD is cheaper than the ultras by almost half. As a compromise for weight/length and performance the ultra 7 seems to be the most popular. That in 30cal will do you well. I'm also a fan of the CB mount. I have the two cans and four rifles with the CBs on them (2- 300 PRCs, 7mm-08 and a 25-06, and soon to add a 6CM).
The TBAC 7 sort of seems like the industry standard. I have one on the way (should be here in 3-4 months), I got the direct thread version, I’m just not a fan of barrel attachments on my rifles. The model just has the CB mount welded to the can.
Yes there are rifle cans that disassemble for cleaning. As youve probably read and gathered by the lack of suggestions, rimfire suppressors get filthy very quickly. Most people wont recommend putting a $800-$1200 sealed can on a .22. That said if youre diligent about cleaning often then let it rip.
I own two suppressors. The first is a silencer co. harvester 300 and it has been great. It is super light for a 9 inch can. Think it’s 10oz. I have had to send it back for baffle strikes but SCOs customer service is top notch. The other suppressor I own is a thunder beast gen 2 (TBG2 ) it’s a 7 inch can. It’s slightly lighter by and oz or 2 but doesn’t have the recoil management and it is slightly louder. Both shoot great and I am happy with both of them. But if I had to chose one over the other I’d go with the TBG2 bc it’s shorter and a little lighter. Good luck in choosing!
Ultra 7 is always a great choice, if you don't mind a little larger diameter the Dominus has really became a favorite on our personal rifles.
I have a Rugged Radiant 30 cal, it's light made of titanium and it has a k config that is great for 223, no barrel length restictions. My dedicated 22 can is an Oculus. Very happy with both.
I have a Rugged Radiant in jail. TBH I didn't know much about different suppressor options, but just told the shop what I was looking for in a hunting suppressor and went with their recommendation. What mounting option are you using for your hunting rifle? Are you using the 3 port brake or one of the smaller ones?
I have a Rugged Radiant in jail. TBH I didn't know much about different suppressor options, but just told the shop what I was looking for in a hunting suppressor and went with their recommendation. What mounting option are you using for your hunting rifle? Are you using the 3 port brake or one of the smaller ones?
I use the m3s.
I’d take a close look at the Hyperion or Hyperion k. I think the Hyperion is still the quietest out there. 3D printed titanium And direct thread. I use the Hyperion K on my Barrett Fieldcraft. CGS has some pretty good stuff right now.

Definitely need a dedicated Rimfire silencer
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Since you have a .270, and you want flexibility, I'd say a 30 cal can. The best one for sound performance is the Hyperion. It's huge, but I go for quiet.

The real answer is you won't be satisfied with just one. So go ahead, make a list, and work through it as you have the funds
I run a Q trash panda on multiple rifles from .223 to 28 nosler…. I do not use it on rimfires