I’ve owned a 2006 Impreza, 2009 Forester, 2012 legacy, 2013 impreza, and currently own and drive today a 2014 outback and 2016 forester.
The 2006 impreza started crapping out at 140k miles, and they were highway miles. Leaking gaskets and a funky fuel line leak that you could smell in the cabin of car during winter - the fresh air vent was right next to the fuel line that leaked when it was cold. Both these problems were common in subi’s back then.
The 2009 forester was a turbo. Never get the turbo! By 120k miles the problems started and never stopped…
2012 Legacy i had up to 200k. That thing was bullet proof. No issues ever. Even had a front end collision that required a new tranny, but that was it. Thing drove solid. Only reason I sold was the interior was worn bad (thanks kids and dogs) and the muffle rusted and cost more to replace than car was worth to pass inspection. So I traded it in my 2016 forester for a $500 value (the muffler and exhaust was 2k to fix).
The 2013 impreza was fun to drive, felt sporty, but lacked power for passing on interstate. Bought new and put 90k on it before upgrading to a bigger car (the outback) as I had my first child. But i loved that car and nothing went wrong. Great in snow!
The 2014 Outback (4 cyl CVT) ive had since 2016 and have gone from 70k to 160k mostly highway. It is the best overall subaru in my opinion due to its larger cabin and higher clearance. But Ive had to replace the rear bearings ($2k) and the transmission solenoid went bad recently ($2k fix also). Important to note we tow a small 1k lb teardrop camping trailer a few times a year. There was also a leak in the rear brake light that cause water to pool in cargo area after hard rains. I just sealed with sealant and fixed problem. The leak wasnt in the light just the mounting hole. Other then that, everything else works and it still goes strong.
2016 Forester. Ive only had for three years and put 20k miles on it. I bought it with 70k miles used. So far, nothing but a bad window switch which I bought online and fix myself for $100. The forester has the eye sight and it works really well!!
So thats what I can share. I think overall they are reliable. More so than any american car brand or german. Dollar for dollar, i think they have more to offer to people who drive in the snow. You cannot beat their AWD system with that low center of gravity boxer engine. Only time it failed me was trying to climb a steep as driveway that was a sheet of ice (my dumbass mistake). But it still made it half way up at a slow crawl. Throw snow chains on all fours and nothing stops it. It’s pretty impressive.
I also like their oil filter placement - sits on top of engine so I can use an hand pump to draw oil from dip stick and change filter without ever going under the car. Genius!
Gas mileage is about 24-26 avg. no matter who or what is said or advertised.
I wont be changing anytime soon to another brand unless I win lottery then Id buy a $80k trucked out tundra.