Full admission - I haven't read all of the last 7 pages, but here's my experience:
One secondhand 2007 Legacy (same platform as Outback, just lower) to about 170 000 kms so far. I love it for the permanent all-wheel drive on NZ roads, which aren't well-built.
Had an Outback to about 80 000 kms, and regret selling it - the additional clearance made for less fuel efficiency, but the larger engine was better at towing uphill, and the ground clearance was better for dirt roads.
When we compared them across the "family wagon" field back in 2015 or so, the Legacy/Outback seemed to have the biggest payload in the boot/trunk - meaning more camping gear and/or easier packing for trips away.
My only warning would be to echo the early post about taking care of them. Our local Sub mechanic often kicks the can down the road - rather than just fixing something they find straight away, they tell us "X will need fixing soon", but then do the same the next time. While it's slightly on me to track this better, I just wish they'd fix stuff as they found it - they've left it too late a couple of times, and that's cost us more. So: direct your mechanic to fix the issues when they find them.
I've heard Aron joke about Subarus and vegetarians there in the US - that's not an issue here; they're just seen as sensible, reliable vehicles for both everyday use and getting out on dirt roads, without having to go to an SUV.
You Americans who know the value of Subarus need to change the image up over there!