Stuff overheard at the range or local gun shop


Jun 30, 2020
This happened at an outdoor target range. This know it all was trying to impress his girlfriend and teach her how to handle a handgun, a S&W .500 revolver. When she went to shoot it, which was way more gun than she should have even had in her hand, she wrapped her fingers around the front of the cylinder. I let out a loud, don't shoot. Upon hearing this the range master came over to see what the problem was. I went on to explain what was about to happen. I never finished my explanation when the range master asked the guy if he had any idea what that would have done to her hand. The guy had no idea about the blow by at the front of the cylinder. he was told to leave and get lesson on how to handle firearms.
Mar 16, 2021
Western Iowa
This happened at an outdoor target range. This know it all was trying to impress his girlfriend and teach her how to handle a handgun, a S&W .500 revolver. When she went to shoot it, which was way more gun than she should have even had in her hand, she wrapped her fingers around the front of the cylinder. I let out a loud, don't shoot. Upon hearing this the range master came over to see what the problem was. I went on to explain what was about to happen. I never finished my explanation when the range master asked the guy if he had any idea what that would have done to her hand. The guy had no idea about the blow by at the front of the cylinder. he was told to leave and get lesson on how to handle firearms.
WOW. That could've been catastrophic. The blow by on my 45 LC hot loads back in the day was significant. Pretty cool spectacle at night. I can't imagine the effects of a 500!
Dec 13, 2023
Day before deer opener, "Skeeter" and "Possum" drive up in the middle of the active public shooting range!
Skeeter jumps out, chugs what's left of a beer, throws down the can and unloads a refrigerator box in the center of the range 30 to 40 yards from the bench.
Possum guns the rattletrap F100 and cuts a doughnut, stopping short of the bench. Skeeter drags out a 94 style rifle of questionable lineage, shoves 3 rounds in the mag, jacks a round home and let's loose on the refrigerator box offhand!
Before the last round report has died out, Skeeter trots down to the box, stares at it about 30 seconds then trots back to the decrepit F100.
Tossing the bedraggled 94 through the open passenger window, he clambers into the front seat and hollers, "Attle kill a deer!".
Possum, tosses out an empty beer can, guns the groaning engine, cuts another doughnut and drives off in a choking cloud of East Texas dust!


Sep 15, 2020
Day before deer opener, "Skeeter" and "Possum" drive up in the middle of the active public shooting range!
Skeeter jumps out, chugs what's left of a beer, throws down the can and unloads a refrigerator box in the center of the range 30 to 40 yards from the bench.
Possum guns the rattletrap F100 and cuts a doughnut, stopping short of the bench. Skeeter drags out a 94 style rifle of questionable lineage, shoves 3 rounds in the mag, jacks a round home and let's loose on the refrigerator box offhand!
Before the last round report has died out, Skeeter trots down to the box, stares at it about 30 seconds then trots back to the decrepit F100.
Tossing the bedraggled 94 through the open passenger window, he clambers into the front seat and hollers, "Attle kill a deer!".
Possum, tosses out an empty beer can, guns the groaning engine, cuts another doughnut and drives off in a choking cloud of East Texas dust!
Are you sure this wasn’t on an episode of Swamp People?
Dec 13, 2023
This happened at an outdoor target range. This know it all was trying to impress his girlfriend and teach her how to handle a handgun, a S&W .500 revolver. When she went to shoot it, which was way more gun than she should have even had in her hand, she wrapped her fingers around the front of the cylinder. I let out a loud, don't shoot. Upon hearing this the range master came over to see what the problem was. I went on to explain what was about to happen. I never finished my explanation when the range master asked the guy if he had any idea what that would have done to her hand. The guy had no idea about the blow by at the front of the cylinder. he was told to leave and get lesson on how to handle firearms.
I sold Benny a JP Saur & Son's western style .44 Mag six shooter.
At the range, he stokes it up, opens his palm and lays the barrel across his finger just in front of the cylinder.
"Surely not!" I thought as the gun roared!
Benny made comments about his own ancestry I have no way of checking, drug out his wallet and paid me.
I left, snickering the whole time!
No blood, but definitely some powder stippling!
Dec 13, 2023
Are you sure this wasn’t on an episode of Swamp People?
I swear on my mother's grave!

I worked in a gun shop at the time and the 'smith and I had taken several "scope mounts" to the range for a quick test shot!


Jan 1, 2022
Kid at the archery counter "I always aim for the neck"

Gun counter guy "Savage 110 "sniper rifle" talking about headshots" etc

It's been so long since I stood at any counters so I will have to think of more stories from years ago.
Dec 13, 2023
Very well dressed gentleman, a known local lawyer, walked into our store and purchased a Leupold VX-III 3.5-10×50 scope.
Walked over to the gun shop, handed the scope to the 'smith and said, "Set this for 150 yards." and walked out the door!

Guy walks into the gun shop.
"Can I shoot .303 British ammo in a .30-40 Krag?"
The 'smith looked at him, smiled, and said, "Is your life insurance paid up?"
Jul 29, 2024
I use to work in a gun shop and the three things I heard the most that pissed me off or just made me roll my eyes were - some variations of the following

1. Get yourself a shotgun, you dont even need to aim just point and every thing will die. This seemed to always be recommended to a 100 lb person mainly women... Or "the sound of you racking the shotgun will scare the perps away".

2. It ain't about caliber size it's about shot placement. (Usually when the random "I carry a .22 for self defense" weirdo is in).

3. If you cant take care of the problem in the first two shots, you have no business carrying a gun.

The worst thing I have overheard at a range was " Where did you get this ammo again" "I dont know, my dad gave it to me and he did not remember" .... bammm..... Savage bolt action rifle explodes...


Nov 5, 2019
I worked behind a gun counter part time for several years....I could probably write a book.

Customer 1:
Hey this 300 Rem Ultra Mag ammo is way too expensive....can't I just use 300 Win Mag instead?

Customer 2:
I need me some 7.62 ammo! Ya'll got any?
7.62 by what? We have 7.62x39, 7.62x51, 7.62x54R..
Customer 2:
Blank stare...... I need me some 7.62 ammo!

Customer 3:
I need supplies to reload for my .223
Ok, what components does your load data say you need?
Customer 3:
Blank stare....... I need whatever I need to reload for my .223. Just give me some powder, primers and bullets.
Sir you need to work off of some load data in a manual. I can't tell you what to use, and you can't just grab any powder off of the shelf, they have different burn rates. One might be fine for .223, another might make it explode in your face.
Customer 3:
More blank stare..... What's a load manual?

Customer 4, looking at a Glock 17 I think:
Does this have the 5.2 or 5.3 mm sights?
I have no idea. I don't have anything to measure them with. Let me try to find out. (Info doesn't exist on Glocks website). Sorry sir, I don't can find that information about the sights.
Customer 4:
Does this have the 5.2 or 5.3 mm sights? I want the 5.2mm sights.

This goes on for at least 30 searching on the internet to no avail. He keeps demanding to know if they are 5.2 or 5.3 mm sights. Finally, I just tell him that if he can tell the difference between 5.2 and 5.3 mm at an arms distance away his eyes are a hell of a lot better than mine and walked away.

I always took the time to explain to people why they couldn't use different ammo in guns or why they couldn't do whatever unsafe thing they were asking about and tried not to be a know it all asshole. Not everyone has been around guns and reloading all their life.
Dec 30, 2014
I need me some 7.62 ammo! Ya'll got any?
7.62 by what? We have 7.62x39, 7.62x51, 7.62x54R..
Customer 2:
Blank stare...... I need me some 7.62 ammo!

I helped some guys looking for cheaper 308 (7.62 is the mil surplus 308 ya know) ammo by telling them they should put the 7.62x39 ammo back on the shelf because that aint it.
Feb 11, 2024
"You can't switch between lead core bullets and mono copper bullets. The fouling will mess up your accuracy. If you want to switch you'll need to bring the rifle in for a deep cleaning to remove all the copper before you start shooting lead. We charge $250 for that."

I said, but the lead is wrapped inside copper anyways, how does it leave lead behind? I was assured that it did...


Sep 28, 2021
I once spotted for a guy at the 600 yard line that was checking zero on his .300 Weatherby mag. Me and the guys I hunt with were finishing up for the day and he showed up alone so when he asked if I'd call his shots for a few minutes before I put the spotter away I said sure.

He was about 50% hit rate on a 20" steel plate, but 100% scoping himself with every shot, bleeding worse and deepening the cut with every round he squeezed off. After the 7th or 8th round he had hit two in a row, had a steadily dripping gash right between his eyes, and decided he was ready to go hunt.